MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF
Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten "Malysh" , Irkutsk region, Ust-Ilimsky district, r.p. Railway
In ancient India they said: “Until the age of five, a child is your king. From five to ten - your servant. From ten to fifteen - your brother. And after that - your friend or enemy, depending on how you raised him."
The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education states that one of the main principles of preschool education is to support children in various types of activities. Support for the initiative is also a condition necessary for creating a social situation for the development of children.
The Federal State Educational Standard identifies the main lines of personal development of a preschool child: independence, initiative, creativity.
At the stage of completion of preschool education, the targets determined by the Federal State Educational Standard provide for the following age characteristics of children's capabilities:
- shows initiative and independence in various activities
- is able to choose his own occupation, participants in joint activities
- the child is capable of volitional efforts
- tries to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena and human actions
- capable of making his own decisions.
Initiative is considered:
Initiative is activity in an undertaking, activity to promote undertakings, launch new businesses, involving people around them.
Initiative is an internal urge for something new, an impulse for change and movement.
A child’s independence is the ability to act on one’s own initiative, to carry out familiar tasks without a model, help or control from adults.
Independence is a constantly developing personal quality, the foundations of which are laid in preschool age.
Independence is an important prerequisite for a child’s successful education at school and the formation of his personality as a whole.
The development of independence is facilitated by children mastering the ability to set a goal (or accept it from a teacher, think about the path to achieving it, implement their plan, evaluate the result from the position of the goal).
Developing a child’s initiative, activity and independence must begin from early preschool age.
Children's initiative is manifested in all types of activities.
The brightest things are in communication, objective activities, play, and experimentation.
To effectively demonstrate children’s initiative, it is necessary to fully develop it from the position of positive socialization and independence of the child.
In preschool age, initiative is associated with the manifestation of curiosity, an inquisitive mind, and ingenuity. An initiative child is distinguished by meaningful interests. As mentioned above, initiative is manifested in all types of activities, but most clearly in the game.
This means that the higher the level of development of initiative, the more varied the play activities, and, consequently, the more dynamic the development of personality.
For full development, a preschool child needs amateur, spontaneous play that arises and develops on his own initiative. The main task of the teacher is to notice and support her in a timely manner. Proposing their ideas, every child expects to be heard, shown interest, and supported.
In what ways can you support children's initiatives?
- Creating a subject-spatial environment for the manifestation of independence when a child chooses activities based on his interests; The development of a subject-spatial developmental environment should be carried out on the basis of the following characteristics of the children's community: age composition of children; psychological characteristics of the group; quantitative ratio of boys and girls; social living conditions of children in families and types of families; surrounding social practice.
- The child's choice of companions;
- Stimulating children's curiosity, encouraging them to ask adults questions, and encouraging children to find answers on their own.
- Adults need to learn to cooperate with children, not try to show and explain everything at once, it is necessary to create conditions so that the child can think and guess for himself and enjoy it.
Conditions for the development of children's initiative and creative self-expression:
- formation of attitudes “I can” , “I can do it”
- creating a situation of success for each child: “It’s very simple, I’ll help you”
- anticipatory positive assessment: “You are a very creative child, you will succeed!” .
For example:
- Supporting the initiative in drawing up a complex and conducting morning gymnastics and outdoor exercise in class (selecting and showing one exercise you like from previously mastered complexes; coming up with a name for the complex; choosing music from the proposed one; choosing an object to perform a complex of morning gymnastics, etc.).
- Showing initiative in: organizing and conducting a game (gathering children for a game with the help of barkers, poems, tambourine sounds, surprise tasks); introduction of additions to the rules of the game (complications, introduction of new roles; you can invite the author of the exercise to determine the winner and make an award).
Play corresponds to the laws laid down by nature itself in the developing body of a child - his insatiable need for cheerful movements and the manifestation of initiative.
Main principles for developing independence and initiative:
- When requiring independence from a child, be guided by the principle of expediency. Let's say you shouldn't ask him to put his toys back right after playing. Preschoolers do one thing for 15-20 minutes, and if they clean up after each such interval, they will simply get tired and lose interest in the game, being preoccupied not so much with the game itself as with cleaning up after the game. The request to put everything in its place after the end of the game, so as not to trip over the toys, will be more understandable to the child.
- The scope and content of responsibilities should be formulated as specifically as possible. For example, “After dinner, you need to clear your plate from the table to help Anna Petrovna ,” and not “you need to clean up after yourself!” .
- Try to explain to the child the meaning and ultimate goal of the actions he performs. Statements that “all children dress themselves” or “people will laugh if they see adults helping you” are bad arguments. The child will not pay attention to these words, believing that he can tolerate other people’s ridicule for the sake of convenience. It’s better to talk about how many interesting things you can do in the time saved if you dress or undress yourself without waiting for help: watch half of the cartoon about Ilya Muromets or four episodes about Luntik, color six drawings or play longer in the sandbox.
In order to awaken initiative and independence in preschoolers, educators use their own methods and techniques. These methods include:
1) Didactic game.
Nowadays, children are surrounded by many different games and toys in kindergarten and at home. One of the types of gaming activity is didactic play, which allows children to become more involved in current life in the forms of intellectual and active practical activity, moral and aesthetic experiences available to them.
They can be used both in specially organized classes and in joint activities of an adult and a child, as well as independent activities.
2) Productive activities (designing, drawing, modeling, appliqué).
In the process of productive activity, such important personality qualities as mental activity, curiosity, independence, initiative, which are the main components of creative activity, are formed. The child learns to be active in observation, doing work, learns to show independence and initiative in thinking through content, selecting materials, and using a variety of means of artistic expression.
3) Self-organized activity.
Self-organization is an activity aimed at searching and creatively transforming reality, high adaptability, and active mobilization of the individual’s internal resources. Therefore, it is very important to create conditions and provide enough time for active independent activities of children.
The teacher must create a diverse gaming environment (we are talking about a subject-developmental environment in a preschool educational institution, which should provide the child with cognitive activity, must correspond to his interests and be developmental in nature. The environment should provide children with the opportunity to act individually or together with peers, without imposing mandatory joint activities .
The teacher can get involved in the activities of children in cases of conflict situations that require the intervention of an adult, or, if necessary, help a particular child join a peer group.
4) Labor activity.
Older preschoolers help each other, control, correct each other, show initiative and independence, have a correct attitude towards evaluating their work, rarely praise themselves, and often show modesty when evaluating their work (D. B. Elkonin).
Elementary forms of household labor are interesting and important because a unique relationship is established between a child and an adult: these are relationships of real mutual assistance, coordination of actions, and distribution of responsibilities. All these relationships, arising in preschool age, continue to develop in the future.
5) “Projects” .
The use of the “project method” contributes to the social education of children (understanding of the need for social adaptation of people to each other: the ability to negotiate, respond to ideas put forward by others, the ability to cooperate, accept someone else’s point of view as requiring understanding).
In problem-based learning, the child is systematically involved in the search for solutions to new questions and situations that cause intellectual difficulty; mental activity is activated, mobility and variability of thinking are formed. The problem situation also serves as a motivational condition and an emotional means of influencing the child’s personality.
6) Development of communication skills.
The system of game exercises and tasks for the development of children's communication abilities consists of four blocks:
- develop the ability to collaborate;
- develop the ability to actively listen;
- We develop the ability to express ourselves independently;
- We develop the ability to independently process information correctly.
- Development of initiative and independence in the learning process.
In the daily development of lessons, we set the following goals: to cultivate independence and initiative, to form the child’s self-awareness, self-confidence, and to teach the child to boldly express his opinions. During drawing, modeling, and applique classes, children are given the choice of plot, design, and color scheme as desired. Educators take into account temperament, abilities, and peculiarities of the style of upbringing in the family, which significantly influence the pace of development of independence.
So... An initiative person is characterized by: arbitrariness of behavior; independence; developed emotional-volitional sphere; initiative in various activities; desire for self-realization; sociability; creative approach to activities; high level of mental abilities; cognitive activity.
Recommendations for teachers to stimulate creative activity
— Providing a favorable atmosphere.
— The teacher’s goodwill, his refusal to express evaluations and criticism of the child contribute to the free manifestation of divergent thinking (it is characterized by speed, flexibility, originality, accuracy). Celebrate and applaud even the smallest successes of children.
— Enriching the child’s environment with a wide variety of new objects and stimuli in order to develop his curiosity.
— Encouraging the expression of original ideas.
— Using a personal example of a creative approach to problem solving.
— Providing opportunities for exercise and practice.
— Giving children the opportunity to actively ask questions.
— Systematic enrichment of children’s life experience.
— Joint (educational) games between the teacher and children, aimed at imparting gaming experience to them.
— Timely changes in the subject-play environment, taking into account the enriching life and play experience of children.
Thus, children will form a clear idea of the importance of responsibility and develop a personal attitude towards responsibility as one of the most important moral qualities of a person. And by school, children will develop responsibility for their responsibilities, for completing tasks, assignments, responsibility for the decisions made, as well as perseverance in achieving results.
To summarize, we can say that such personality traits of a child as independence, initiative, and responsibility must be developed throughout the entire period of preschool age. Therefore, it is very important to create conditions in preschool educational institutions and provide enough time for active independent activities of children.
The words of teacher Shalva Amonashvili demonstrate this perfectly:
“If you want to instill in children independence, courage of mind, and instill in them the joy of co-creation, then create such conditions so that the sparks of their thoughts form the kingdom of thought, give them the opportunity to feel like a ruler in it.”.
List of recommended literature:
- Bogoyavlenskaya D.B. Psychology of creativity. – M., 2001.
- Losik E.I. The role of a preschool teacher in the development of cognitive activity of older preschoolers [Text] / E.I. Losik // Theory and practice of education in the modern world: materials of the II international. scientific conf. (St. Petersburg, November 2012). - St. Petersburg: Renome, 2012. - pp. 47-49.
- Mudrik A.V. Communication in the process of education. – M., 2001.
- Odintsova L.N. Development of children's creative abilities in visual arts [electronic resource] / www. 1 September. ru
- Cognitive development of preschool children: a systematic approach. – Murmansk: MGPI, 2012.
- Prokhorova L. Developing the creative activity of preschoolers. [Text]/ Prokhorova L. // Preschool education, 1996, No. 5, pp. 21–27
- Federal state educational standard for preschool education: Letters and orders of the Ministry of Education and Science. – M.: TC Sfera, 2015. – 96 p.
- Tsukerman G.A., Elizarov N.V. About children's independence // Questions of psychology. - M.: 1990. - No. 6. — P. 10-21.
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1. Eastern administrative district, GBOU gymnasium No. 1476.
Topics of speeches:
- “Development and support of children's initiative in various types of activities, interaction of a preschool organization with the family” - presentation of senior teacher Kharitonova N.V.
- “Development of children's initiative and independence of children in different cultural practices”:
— “Cartoon for kids” – teacher A.A. Molchanova;
— “Types of minerals (stones)” – teacher Gorokhova E.A.;
- “The Magic Box” - teacher Rozanova A.A.
3. “Joint partnership activities between an adult and a child. Project “Water Sorceress” - presentation by teacher Pluzhnikova O.B.
The event materials can be found at
2. Eastern administrative district, GBOU secondary school No. 1852.
Topics of speeches:
- Presentation by senior teacher Spesivtseva N.N. “Development of children's initiative through expansion of developmental space for children's free activity.”
- Presentation of the work experience of a teacher at State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1852, preschool department, Kotelevets L.V. "Supporting children's initiative in verbal communication through the use of TRIZ technology."
- Presentation of the work experience of a teacher at State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1852, preschool department, N.V. Tonkonogovoy. “Creating a subject-developing environment as a condition for supporting children’s initiative.”
The event materials can be found at
3. Eastern Administrative District, State Budgetary Educational Institution “School with in-depth study of the English language No. 1352”
Topics of speeches:
- “Educational activity with children 3–4 years old “How we helped Mishka” - teacher Svetlana Dmitrievna Ugolnikova.
2. “Educational activities with children 4–5 years old “Letter from the scientist Filin” - teacher Galina Vasilievna Krisanova.
3. “Educational activities with children 5–6 years old “Travel to Tsifrograd” - teacher Tatyana Petrovna Kutlovskaya.
4. “Educational activities with children 6–7 years old “Miracles from a casket” - teacher Tatyana Nikolaevna Belyaeva.
5. Federal State Educational Standards DO. Development of children's initiative in different types of activities. Presentation by methodologist Tatyana Vladimirovna Krivoruchko.
The event materials can be found at
4. Eastern Administrative District, State Budget Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 1512.
Topics of speeches:
- “Development of children's initiative in various types of activities” - presentation by senior teacher A.A. Lykova.
- “Techniques and ways to support children’s initiative” – educational psychologist E.V. Kovalchuk.
- “Staging based on the Russian folk tale “The Cat and the Fox” - teacher L.N. Pavlukhina, music director G.V. Nesterova.
- “Forms of supporting children’s initiative in sensitive moments and independent activities of children.” Practical experience of teachers: music director O.V. Kolyabina, speech therapist V.A. Muravyova, teacher T.V. Tolstykh.
The event materials can be found at
5. Western Administrative District, State Budget Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 1596.
Topics of speeches:
- “Open event (within the framework of project activities) on life safety “Letter from Prostokvashino” - teachers of the senior group Ershova Elena Vladimirovna, Fedorova Victoria Andreevna.
- “Dominant lesson on children's creativity “Playing a fairy tale” (based on the musical cycle by S.M. Maikapar “Spillkins”)” - music director of the highest category Shamidanova Lidiya Veniaminovna, teacher of the preparatory group Mikheeva Lyubov Nikolaevna.
- Presentation “Federal State Educational Standard. Development of children's initiative. Working with children of senior preschool age to create a fairy tale” - senior teacher of GBOU Gymnasium No. 1596, SPDO No. 1755 Svetlana Alekseevna Kotova, preparatory group teacher Valentina Nikolaevna Poluektova.
- Presentation “Federal State Educational Standard. Development of creativity as the highest form of development of initiative” - senior teacher of GBOU Gymnasium No. 1596, SPDO No. 1755 Svetlana Alekseevna Kotova, music director Lidiya Veniaminovna Shamidanova.
The event materials can be found at
6. Western Administrative District, GBOU School No. 37.
Topics of speeches:
- “Development of initiative and independence in a preschooler in the process of educational activities: teaching the beginnings of literacy through the organization of a children's theater” - teacher Onoprienko Ekaterina Elitovna.
- “Subject-spatial environment as a means of developing children’s initiative and independence in children with disabilities” - educational psychologist at GBOU School No. 1329 Svetlana Yuryevna Kovaleva, teacher-speech therapist at GBOU School No. 1329 Nazari Galina Rafailovna.
- “Development of children's initiative and independence in various types of activities” - teachers Marina Anatolyevna Cherminskaya, Ekaterina Olegovna Tihanskaya.
- “Modern forms of interaction with the family for the development of children’s initiative” - teacher-psychologist of State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1307 Lunina Nadezhda Aleksandrovna.
- “Development of creative initiative in various cultural practices” - educators Elena Viktorovna Degtyareva, Irina Aleksandrovna Zavarzina.
The event materials can be found at
7. Zelenograd administrative district, State Budget Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 1528.
Topics of speeches:
- “Federal state educational standard for preschool education. Development of children's initiative in various types of activities" - senior methodologist Balaeva Nina Mikhailovna, senior teacher Avetisyan Kristina Grachikovna, educational psychologist Galina Guryevna Golubkova. Text and presentation.
8. Northern Administrative District, State Budget Educational Institution Central District No. 1296.
Topics of speeches:
- “Development of children's initiative in play activities with children of the second group of early age “A Multi-Colored Fairy Tale”” - teachers of GBOU Central Educational Institution No. 1296 (DO No. 1). Medvedeva Tatyana Nikolaevna, Syatkina Galina Anatolyevna.
- “Development of children's initiative in visual arts: using the capabilities of graphic materials in fine arts” - teacher of GBOU Central Educational Institution No. 1296 (Preschool No. 1) Gizhitskaya Irina Alimovna.
- “Development of children's initiative in communicative activities: “Travel across continents” (combined preparatory school group)” - teacher of State Budgetary Educational Institution Central Education No. 1296 (Preschool No. 1) Elena Eduardovna Golovina.
- “Development of children's initiative in cognitive and research activities “Miracles about four wheels” (senior group)” - teacher of GBOU Central Educational Center No. 1296 (Preschool No. 1) Fadiuri Larisa Vladimirovna, methodologist GBOU Central Educational Center No. 1296 (Preschool No. 1) Serebryakova Tatyana Anatolyevna, teacher Romanova Olga Yurievna.
- “Development of children's initiative in communicative activities: development of children's speech using speech exercises (combined senior group)” - teacher of GBOU Central Educational Center No. 1296 (Preschool No. 1) Tatyana Mikhailovna Blinova.
- “Development of children's initiative in motor activity: “Such different balls” (preparatory group for school)” - teacher of GBOU Central Educational Institution No. 1296 (Preschool No. 1) Kudinova Elena Valentinovna.
- “Development of children's initiative in constructive activities: “Little builders” (junior group)” - teacher of GBOU Central Educational Institution No. 1296 (Preschool No. 3) Tatyana Sergeevna Bakotina.
- “Children’s initiative in visual arts: development of children’s initiative in teaching children arts and crafts” - teacher at GBOU School No. 183 (preschool No. 4) Olga Anatolyevna Khrenova.
The event materials can be found at
Consultation for educators “Supporting children’s initiative in various activities”
Consultation for educators
“Supporting children’s initiative in various activities”
Educator: Shcherban S.P.
In the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in the “Concept of modernization of the Russian
education", the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education in the Russian Federation" and other regulatory documents of the Russian Federation formulate a social order
state education system: education of an initiative, responsible person,
ready to make decisions independently in a situation of choice.
The formation of initiative as a personality trait is an important problem in
theories of education and training. Initiative must be considered as one of the components of the upbringing of preschool children.
Thus, the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education defines support for children’s initiative in various types of activities as one of the basic principles of preschool education and a necessary condition for creating a social situation for the development of children (Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary).
Initiative in preschool children can manifest itself in all forms.
activity, but in communication, musical activity, play, experimentation, she
(initiative) is expressed more clearly. This speaks about the development of the child, about the indicator
child intelligence.
The “I myself” phenomenon is the most favorable, age from 3 to 5 years, for children to show initiative at this age, especially it manifests itself in various games and physical activities. It is important for parents to welcome this process and provide all possible support to children.
Initiative is often confused with independence, although these concepts are very
very close. Independence is one of the leading qualities of a person, expressed in the ability to set certain goals and achieve them on their own. Independence provides
a person’s responsible attitude to his behavior, the ability to act consciously, proactively, not only in familiar surroundings, but also in new conditions, incl. requiring non-standard decisions. (Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia). That is, a child’s independence is the implementation of some activity, it is a process. Whereas initiative is a character trait, when a push occurs, the launch of an activity. Initiative is one of the main components of the development of a child’s active personality.
The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education states that one of the basic principles of preschool education is to support children in various activities, including play, which is the leading activity throughout the entire period of preschool childhood.
An enterprising child can find an activity for himself, organize a game or
join those already playing, join in the conversation or do something
productive activity. An enterprising child can find something to do for himself, organize a game or join those already playing, join in the conversation or engage in some productive activity.
Based on one or another direction of the preschooler’s activity,
The following areas of initiative are highlighted:
1) creative initiative (involvement in a story-based game as the child’s main creative activity, where imagination and imaginative thinking develop); the main creative activity of the child, where imagination and imaginative thinking develop);
2) initiative as goal setting and volitional effort (involvement in various types
productive activities - drawing, modeling, design, which require effort to overcome the “resistance” of the material, where voluntariness and the planning function of speech develop);
3) communicative initiative (the child’s involvement in interaction with
peers, where empathy and the communicative function of speech develop);
4) cognitive initiative - curiosity (involvement in
experimentation, elementary cognitive-research activity, where the ability to establish spatio-temporal, cause-and-effect relationships develops).
What parents need to remember about developing initiative in their child.
Like a school schedule, parents can provide children with a daily to-do list. Planning is the basis of an initiative.
Praise and encourage children to show children's initiative, for an unusual way of doing things.
Unobtrusively prompt the child to channel the child’s energy in the right direction.
4. The development of initiative is very important for hyperactive children, especially boys.
Thus, initiative is the ability to see a chance for change in a situation.
The development of initiative in children requires, at a minimum, the energy and activity of the child (laziness and initiative do not get along side by side), as well as a certain courage and risk-taking, purposefulness and self-regulation, experimentation, elementary cognitive and research activities, where the ability to establish spatio-temporal, causal - investigative relations)
Creating conditions to support the children's initiative of the Federal State Educational Standard
The Federal State Educational Standard identifies the main lines of personal development of a preschool child:
independence, initiative, creativity.
The main principle of preschool education according to the Federal State Educational Standard is the construction of educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes a full participant (subject) of educational relations, as well as supporting the initiative of children in various types of activities. Initiative - activity in an undertaking, activity to promote undertakings, launch new businesses, involving the people around you. Children's initiative is manifested in the free activity of children according to their choice and interests. The opportunity to play, draw, design, compose, etc., in accordance with one’s own interests. The Federal State Educational Standard states that one of the basic principles of preschool education is to support children’s initiative in various activities, including play, which is the leading activity throughout the entire period of preschool childhood. Support for the initiative is also a condition necessary for creating a social situation for the development of children. At the stage of completion of preschool education, one of the targets of the Federal State Educational Standard provides for one of the age characteristics of children’s capabilities - “show initiative and independence in various types of activities - play, etc.” The main types of activities in which a child can show himself and his initiative, develop himself as a person are: play; educational and research activities; productive activity; communicative activities, etc. Thus, it can be noted that the higher the level of development of initiative, the more diverse the gaming activities, and therefore the more dynamic the development of personality. Initiative is shown in all types of activities, but most clearly in play, communication, and experimentation. For full development, a preschool child needs amateur, spontaneous play that arises and develops on his own initiative. This game represents the child's leading activity. Initiative is shown by those who believe in themselves. One of the foundations of self-confidence is skills and practical skills. To develop children's initiative, you need to:
1. Give simple tasks (remove the Fear of “I can’t handle it”), develop initiative in children.
2. Give tasks that are interesting or where the person has a personal interest in doing something. 3. Support initiative Ways to support children's initiative:
- creating a subject-spatial environment for the manifestation of independence when a child chooses activities based on his interests;
- the child’s choice of companions; - a child’s appeal to adults based on his own motivation; • educational and gaming environment should stimulate the development of search and cognitive activity of children. We should not forget that the material with which the child did something himself is especially easy to remember and retains for a long time in memory: he felt, cut, built, composed, depicted. Children should gain experience in creative, exploratory activities, putting forward new ideas, updating previous knowledge when solving new problems. • it is important for the teacher to know how to support children's initiative; it is necessary to learn how to tactfully cooperate with children: do not try to show and explain everything at once, do not immediately present any unexpected surprise effects, etc. It is necessary to create conditions so that children can guess a lot on their own and enjoy it. Conditions for the development of children's initiative and creative self-expression:
- formation of attitudes “I can”, “I can”;
— creating a situation of success for each child: “It’s very simple, I’ll help you”; - anticipatory positive assessment “You are a very creative child, you will succeed!” Thus, to support children's initiative it is necessary:
1. to provide children with independence in everything that does not pose a threat to their life and health, helping them to realize their own plans; 2. celebrate and welcome even minimal successes of children; 3. do not criticize the results of the child’s activities and himself as an individual. 4. form in children the habit of independently finding interesting activities for themselves; teach to freely use toys and aids; 5. maintain the child’s interest in what he examines and observes at different moments. 6. to support initiative in creative and leisure activities, at the direction of the child, create all the necessary conditions for him; 7. keep various entertainment attributes publicly available; 8. encourage the child’s various creative endeavors.
Activities of the teacher to
support children's initiative.
•Create conditions for the implementation of each child’s own plans and ideas.
•Celebrate and publicly support any children's successes.
•Encourage in every possible way the independence of children and expand the scope.
•Help the child find a way
achieving your own goals.
the desire to learn how to do something, a joyful feeling of increasing skill.
•Do not criticize the results of children’s activities, as well as themselves.
•Take into account the individual characteristics of children, strive to find an approach to shy, indecisive, conflict-ridden students;
•Respect and value every child regardless of his achievements, strengths and weaknesses.
•Create a positive psychological microclimate in the group, equally show love and care to all children: express joy when meeting; use affection and warm words to express your attitude towards the child;
•Create a positive psychological microclimate in the group, equally showing love and care to all children; express joy when meeting; use affection and warm words to express your attitude towards the child.
a feeling of pride in one’s work and satisfaction with it
•Create conditions for a variety of independent creative
children's activities.
•Involve children in planning the life of the group for the day, week, month. Take into account and implement their wishes and suggestions.
•Create conditions and allocate time for independent creative or cognitive activities of children according to their interests.
Memo for teachers.
1. Provide children with independence in everything that does not pose a threat to their life and health, helping them realize their own plans.
2. Celebrate and applaud even the most minimal successes of children.
3. Do not criticize the results of the child’s
and himself as a person.
4. Form in children the habit of independently finding interesting activities for themselves, teaching them to freely use toys and aids, introducing children to the group, other premises and kindergarten
, the territory of the site in order to increase independence.
5. Encourage children to perform a variety of actions with objects aimed at
to become familiar with their qualities and properties (inserts, dismountable toys, opening and closing, selection by shape and size).
6. Maintain the child's interest in
, what he examines and observes at different regime moments.
7. Establish simple and understandable standards for the group’s life, strictly follow the rules of behavior by all children.
8. Spend all routine moments in an emotionally positive mood, avoid rushing and rushing children.
9. To maintain initiative
in productive activities, at the direction of
the child
, create images or crafts for him.
10. Keep all toys and materials accessible.
11. Encourage physical, playful, visual, constructive activities, and express approval of any result of the child’s work.