Card index of didactic games based on applications for preschool children

Victoria Lysova

Card index of didactic games based on applications for preschool children

Junior group

"Merry little engine"

Goal: To develop the ability to pre-lay out (according to a certain sequence)

finished parts on a sheet of paper.

Material: Applique locomotive and parts .

Progress of the game: Consider the illustration of the locomotive in advance. Pay attention to the details of the locomotive (wheels, door, pipe, windows)

the application in front of the child , the teacher asks: What part is the train missing? Let's “fix”
the train and
wheels to it.

"Colored Cups and Saucers"

Goal: Learn to select objects by color.

Material: Ready-made parts for cups and saucers (according to the number of children )


Progress of the game: Children are asked to choose a cup and saucer of the corresponding color and name the color. Or the child chooses a saucer and a cup to go with it.

"Funny Beads"

Purpose: To learn to use glue carefully: spread a thin layer of it with a brush on the back side of the figure to be glued (on a specially prepared oilcloth)

; apply the side coated with glue to a sheet of paper and press tightly with a napkin.

Material: Circles cut out of colored paper in different colors; finished craft.

Progress of the game: We provide the child with a finished craft and ask him to assemble the circles in the same sequence. And glue the beads.

“Show me the same ball”

Goal: To introduce children to the art of applique , to develop interest in this type of activity.

Material: Multi-colored balls.

Progress of the game: The teacher puts balls on the table and mixes them, selects one ball and asks the child to find the same one. For example, “I take a green ball, and you show me the same ball.”


"Color Path"

Goal: To consolidate knowledge of the shape of objects and their colors.

Material: Large multi-colored circles cut out of colored paper, as well as small squares. Lays out a multi-colored path. The distance between circles is 50 cm.

Progress of the game: The teacher shows and gives the child a card , for example, green, the child finds a green circle and places a card of the same color .

Middle group

“Collect animals from geometric shapes”

objects depicted in (birds, animals, flowers, insects, houses, both real and imaginary) from ready-made forms.

Material: Geometric shapes, animal cards .

Progress of the game: Children are asked to choose a card of any animal and use geometric shapes to assemble the animal.

"Magical Animals"

Goal: To foster interest in the application .

Material: Animal cards , geometric shapes (small shapes)


Progress of the game: Children are invited to choose a picture of any animal and decorate it with geometric shapes.

"Funny nesting dolls"

Goal: Continue to develop children's in visual arts.

Material: Pictures of nesting dolls , colored strips long and short and glue.

How to play: Children are asked to choose card and decorate it with long and short stripes.

“Make objects from strips”

Goal: To develop the ability to create images of different objects from stripes (fence, bench, ladder, tree, bush, etc.)

Material: Strips of different lengths, item templates.

Progress of the game: Children are invited to choose any template and lay out an outline from the stripes.

"Decorate the Christmas tree"

Goal: To teach to be friendly when evaluating the work of other children .

Material: Cone made of colored paper, geometric shapes of different sizes.

Progress of the game: Children are asked to choose a cone (Christmas tree)

and decorate it with different geometric shapes.

Senior group

"Let's decorate the mittens"

Goal: To develop aesthetic perception, teach to contemplate the beauty of the world around us.

Material: Ready-made mittens, geometric shapes, strips of different lengths.

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to take and decorate the mittens with geometric shapes and stripes.

"Collect transport"

Goal: To teach to convey in an image not only the basic properties of objects (shape, size, color)


Material: Ready-made geometric shapes of different sizes.

Progress of the game: Children are asked to choose geometric shapes and assemble vehicles.

"Make a Clown"

Goal: Improve visual skills and abilities.

Material: Geometric shapes of different sizes.

Progress of the game: Children are invited to choose geometric shapes and make a cheerful clown.

"Fairytale vases"

Goal: To encourage the creation of subject and subject compositions, supplementing them with details that enrich the images.

Material: Ready-made vases, circles.

Application “Autumn” in the senior group made of colored paper

One of the associations with autumn is drizzling rains and bright umbrellas. Older preschoolers will certainly enjoy the beautiful “Autumn” applique made from colored paper. Take a set of paper, stationery glue and scissors for the lesson.

Make the application like this:

  • Draw a circle of any size on colored paper, which determines the size of the composition. Divide the circle into 4 equal parts and cut them out.

  • Twist the blanks into cones and secure with glue. Their color can be any, the same or different. In the second case, you will either have to cut out parts of the circles from different papers, or use white paper, then color it.

  • Glue the finished cones onto a cardboard base so that they meet at their sharp ends. You will get a half-opened umbrella.

  • Cut out a handle with a curved knob. Glue to the base of the umbrella.

  • Cut out colorful autumn leaves using templates. Insert them into the cones and secure.

Cheerful lion

In the middle age group, preschoolers learn about the world around them, get acquainted with different types of animals and their characteristics. An applique using maple leaves can help with this.

For the lesson, prepare:

  • press-dried maple leaves of yellow and red shades;
  • cardboard for the base;
  • yellow or light orange colored paper;
  • office glue;
  • pink and black markers;
  • plastic toy eyes.

Step-by-step instructions:

  • Glue the leaves onto the cardboard radially so that their sharp ends stick out in different directions. It is advisable to glue them in 2-3 layers to make the applique voluminous. The glued leaves will become the lion's mane. Explain to the children that these African animals have thick manes.

  • Draw the kennels of a lion's face on yellow paper. Use a black felt-tip pen to draw on the nose, mustache, and mouth. Color the inside of the mouth with a pink felt-tip pen. Cut out the outline.

  • Separately cut out the ears, and paint their central part pink too.

  • Glue a lion's face into the center of the foliage ring. Glue the ears a little higher between the leaves.

  • To finish the job, glue on the toy eyes. If there are none, you can cut out eyes from white paper and draw on the irises and pupils.

Sequence of application execution

  • First, the plot is selected.
  • A sketch is drawn up.
  • The base is selected and prepared.
  • The elements from which the applique will be made are prepared (cut out).
  • The details are laid out on the background (base).
  • They stick.
  • Dry.

The set of tools and items is simple. Materials for execution can be found in every home - scraps of fabric, scraps of leather. Leaves or bark can be collected in advance during a walk with your child, and then prepared. Paper, beads and plasticine are available.

However, some parents do not often devote time to compiling applications with their children. Perhaps they consider the activity troublesome; drawing is easier. And it’s completely in vain, because the benefits of such activities are great.

Application in the middle group on the theme “Autumn”

Preschoolers of the middle age group begin to get acquainted with geometric shapes, they form the idea that the outlines of natural objects can be similar to figures. For the lesson, prepare a set of colored paper, PVA and scissors. The cardboard base can be of any color.

Application technology "Autumn":

  • Cut a strip of green paper and glue it to the bottom edge of a thick base - this will be grass-covered ground.

  • Choose from a selection of paper in fall colors: red, purple, yellow, light brown, burgundy, orange.
  • Encourage children to cut out different geometric shapes. Emphasize that the shapes must correspond to the actual shapes of the trees. Let the pupils look out the window and say what shape the crowns have: triangular, oval, round. Moreover, it is not the same, but in some trees it is more elongated or wider.

  • Once the shapes are cut out, have the children glue them onto the cardboard along the center axis, parallel to the previously glued “ground”. Some figures should be slightly higher - these will be tall trees, others lower. They can be partially overlapped.

  • When all the figures are glued, all that remains is to draw on the trunk and branches with a felt-tip pen.

Materials for making applications

When it comes to appliques, people imagine a picture made from pieces of colored paper. However, you can create from samples of a wide variety of shapes and textures:

  • fur and leather, both natural and artificial;
  • paper of any density, colored and plain;
  • cord and fabric (silk, cotton, velvet);
  • morocco and felt;
  • beads;
  • plasticine;
  • straws;
  • eggshells;
  • tree bark, dry leaves and plants;
  • cereals and seeds.

Application “Autumn” in the younger group

The tool for creating an applique can be the hands of children. For the lesson, prepare a set of colored paper, stationery glue, scissors and decorative cardboard for the base.


  • Select brown, red, orange and yellow paper from the paper set.
  • Cut out the trunk and branches of an autumn tree from brown paper and glue it to the cardboard.

  • Let the children place their hands on the other colors of paper and trace with a pencil.

  • Cut out the pencil sketches.
  • Invite students to glue paper blanks to tree branches.

Application - what is it?

Applique is a type of decorative and applied art, the principle of which is the technique of cutting, applying and attaching parts to a base. The name comes from the word applicatio, which in Latin means “application”.

Composing images using the appliqué method is the oldest technique for decorating household items among different nationalities, which is still used today. By gluing or sewing figures cut out from various materials onto a selected background, you can get not just a picture, panel or postcard, but also a real masterpiece.

Autumn landscape

This leaf applique on the theme “Autumn” is intended for older preschoolers. The task greatly develops imagination; autumn leaves in the composition turn into bushes and trees: the leaf plate is the crown, the petiole is the trunk.

For work take:

  • press-dried leaves of different types of trees;
  • white cardboard for the base;
  • PVA;
  • watercolor.

Step-by-step work:

  1. Using watercolor paints, depict the main composition on cardboard, for example, the sky, a lake, and a strip of shore between them. Wait for the painting to dry.
  2. Select leaves in pairs. That is, the leaves in a pair should be as similar as possible.
  3. Create a forest on the shore. Glue the leaves one at a time from a pair. Glue at random, with one leaf partially overlapping another. The effect will be as if the trees are standing close to each other, the forest approaches the water itself.
  4. Don't forget about the reflection in the water. Glue the second pair of leaves upside down onto the image of the lake. Straight and inverted paired leaves should be joined by petioles.

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