Leisure time in the preparatory group “Visiting a fairy tale”

Project “Visiting a Fairy Tale”

  • May 6, 2016

Conference “Project activity in an educational institution - 2016”
Nomination “Pedagogical project in a preschool institution”

“Thanks to a fairy tale, a child learns about the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart.” V.A. Sukhomlinsky

A fairy tale is a necessary element of a child’s spiritual life. Entering the world of miracles and magic, the child plunges into the depths of his soul. Fairy tales, introducing children to the circle of extraordinary events and transformations that occur with their heroes, express deep moral ideas. They teach kindness towards people, show high feelings and aspirations. Meeting children with fairy tale heroes will not leave them indifferent. As a result of empathy, the child acquires not only new knowledge, but also, most importantly, a new emotional attitude towards the environment: people, objects, phenomena. From fairy tales, children draw a lot of knowledge: their first ideas about time and space, about the connection between man and nature, the objective world.

The “Visiting a Fairy Tale” project is carried out as an exciting, playful, creative activity aimed at enhancing communication between children and adults. An integrated approach allows you to develop in unity the child’s speech, cognitive activity, creativity, communication skills, and emotional responsiveness.

The project is aimed at nurturing a love for fairy tales and developing the creative abilities of preschoolers through organizing joint activities between children and adults (parents, teachers).

Statement of the problem: nowadays, most children are brought up not on fairy tales, but on modern cartoons. Most parents don't have time to sit down with their child and read a book. Child psychologists consider this a big omission of adults in raising their children.

Data obtained during a survey of preschool children and parents indicate that very little time is devoted to reading children's books at home. But in fact, a fairy tale is one of the most ancient means of moral and aesthetic education, and also forms the behavioral stereotypes of future members of adult society. Therefore, we decided to devote a little more time to fairy tales in the development and upbringing of our children.

Justification of the problem: adults (parents, teachers) do not give due importance to the important role of fairy tales in raising children.

The relevance of the project is determined by the fact that its implementation includes the use of various forms of joint activities of children and adults (teachers, parents): a family creative competition of fairy tales of their own composition “Once upon a time ...”, theatrical creative performances by teachers of the preschool educational institution “Parade of Fairy Tales”.

The novelty of the project lies in the use of various types of joint creative activities of children and adults.

Project goal: revealing the value of joint creativity of project participants through the development of sustainable interest in a fairy tale as a work of art, creating conditions for the realization of the creative potential of project participants.

Project objectives:

for children:

  • develop the ability to expressively read poetry, dramatize episodes of fairy tales;
  • enrich and expand children's vocabulary;
  • develop imaginative thinking, imagination, and creative abilities in children;
  • develop children’s communicative competence and the ability to communicate with adults in different situations;
  • cultivate feelings of friendship and collectivism.
  • cultivate a culture of speech,

for parents:

  • creating favorable conditions in the family for the development of the child, taking into account the children’s experience acquired in kindergarten;
  • development of joint creativity between parents and children;
  • develop in parents the ability to see the child as an individual, respect his opinion, and discuss upcoming work with him;
  • to interest parents in the life of the group and kindergarten, to arouse a desire to participate in it;

for teachers:

  • development of the child’s creative potential;
  • show parents the knowledge and skills children acquired during the project.

The project is short-term , its implementation is designed for 2 months (March-April).

Project participants: students (pupils of preschool educational institutions), parents (legal representatives), teaching staff of preschool educational institutions.

The project is built on the following general didactic principles: accessibility, age-appropriateness, purposefulness, variability, scientific character, participation of interested parties.

The project schedule is built in 3 stages:

  • preparatory , which includes interviewing children and parents, drawing up a work plan;
  • the main one, during which the joint work of project participants is carried out according to the plan,
  • the final stage, where project participants summarize the experience gained and broadcast it to society.

Project resources:

Human resources Teachers: group teachers, specialists (music director, physical education instructor, speech therapists)

Administration of the preschool educational institution: head, deputy heads

Parents of students


technical resource

  • group rooms;
  • music room;
  • technical teaching aids (laptop, multimedia projector, DVD player, stereo system, etc.);
  • visual and methodological aids;
  • methodological literature.


  • use of ICT;
  • exchange of work experience (seminars, exhibitions, consultations, etc.);
  • study of methodological literature;
  • participation in competitions and exhibitions at various levels.

Expected results:

For children:

  • developing children's interest in fairy tales;
  • consolidating the ability to apply one’s knowledge in conversation and coherent statements;
  • fostering a sense of friendship and collectivism;
  • get an emotional response from your work.

For teachers:

  • design of a common book of fairy tales based on the results of a creative family competition of fairy tales of one’s own composition “Once upon a time...”;
  • producing joint creative works with children and parents;
  • project presentation;
  • formation of a desire to continue project activities;
  • design of the project.

For parents:

  • meaningful time spent with the child, desire to take part in joint activities, common interests;
  • increasing the level of awareness of parents about the activities of preschool educational institutions;
  • strengthening parent-child relationships.

Project “Visiting a Fairy Tale”

Author: Evgenia Pavlovna Mitkina, deputy head of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the municipal formation "City of Arkhangelsk" Combined kindergarten No. 96 "Sosenka" (1st qualification category for the position of "teacher", teaching experience 6.5 years).

Summary of entertainment with children 3–4 years old “Journey through Russian folk tales”

Chikova Natalya Sergeevna

Summary of entertainment with children 3–4 years old “Journey through Russian folk tales”

Goal: Consolidating children's knowledge about Russian folk tales .

• teach to recognize a fairy tale from illustrations and riddles;

• strengthen children's skills in retelling fairy tales .

• consolidate the names of Russian folk tales .

develop children’s speech and cognitive activity, the ability to compare, generalize, draw conclusions and inferences;

develop thinking , imagination, visual memory, observation.

• cultivate interest in Russian folk tales .

• develop the skill of cooperation and goodwill.

• to form children’s own attitude towards positive and negative characters.

reading Russian folk tales , foreign, literary (author's)


examination of illustrative material.

organization of theatrical activities based on fairy tales .

watching animated films based on literary works.

carrying out artistic and creative activities.

Equipment and material:

cards with images of fairy-tale characters ; fairy-tale heroes - toys .

exhibition of children's works: baby books; albums of children's works "heroes of the works of S. Mikhalkov"

“Favorite heroes of literary works”

Musical accompaniment. Audio recording of V. Tolkunov’s songs Fairy tales walk around the world

“Visiting a
fairy tale lyrics by Y. Kim, music by V. Dashkevich.

Decoration of the music hall: the walls are decorated with illustrations of fairy-tale characters ; house for grandma.

Surprise moment: in the house there is a fairy tale character - grandmother (an adult)


Literary quiz in the senior group “Visiting a fairy tale”

2 competition. “Guess it.”

Guys, I urgently need your help. Pinocchio mixed up all the pages in the books and the heroes of the fairy tales got lost. We need to help them find a fairy tale, otherwise the mothers will not be able to read books to the children at night. Are you willing to help? (3 questions for each team - questions for one team.) Children answer: Yes!

Questions: 1. I threw a net into the sea and caught a magic fish. (Grandfather from the fairy tale “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”) 2. She lived with her grandfather and grandmother and laid an egg for them. But the egg is not simple, but the real one is golden! (The pockmarked hen from the fairy tale of the same name) 3. Grandfather and grandmother lived sadly. And they blinded their daughter. She always helped them, but she avoided the fire. (Snow Maiden from the fairy tale “Snow Maiden”) 1. He was rolling through the forest. The wolf didn't eat him. The red-haired cheat ate while he sang the song. (Kolobok from the fairy tale “Kolobok”) 2. His hut is warm and bast, And the little fox’s is icy. The cheat wanted to live in a warm place. And she decided to kick out the owner. (Bunny and fairy tales “Zayushkina’s hut”) 3. The girl is beautiful, unloved by her stepmother. I accidentally went to the ball and lost my shoe there. (Cinderella from the fairy tale “Cinderella”) 1. He can speak meow. He knows how to be the best friend. He helps his master and boldly eats the cannibal! (Cat from the fairy tale “Puss in Boots”) 2. A beautiful girl fell into the forest. She met seven dwarfs in the forest. (Snow White and the fairy tales “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”) 3. Lives in a forest hut, She is almost three hundred years old. And you can go to that old lady for lunch. (Baba Yaga from the fairy tale Geese-Swans) 1. While eating rolls, a guy rode on a stove. He rode around the village and married the princess. (Emelya from the fairy tale “At the Order of the Pike”) Children receive tokens for the correct answer.

3 competition. "Magic Items"

Oh, how smart and sensible you all are. Now I’ll tell you about magic, you know that fairy-tale heroes have magical objects that help them create magic. Buratino couldn’t answer my questions, he got everything mixed up. The presenter names magic objects, or magic words, and the children name the owner of this magic. The child who first raised his hand answers. Questions:

• Mortar and broom.
(Baba Yaga) • “At the behest of the pike, at my will... (Emelya) • Magic wand. (Fairy from the fairy tale “Cinderella”) • Walking boots. (Puss in Boots) • Hair from a beard. (Old Man Hottabych) • Ring. (Vanya from the fairy tale “The Magic Ring”) • Tsvetik-Seven-Tsvetik (Zhenya, fairy tale “Tsvetik-Seven-Tsvetik”) • Invisible Cap (Ivan, “The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich”) Well done all the guys, how much you know! Even everyone found owners for magic items! They receive tokens. Warm-up:
Guys, can you dance? The children answer.

And now we will check. The song “Fairy tales walk around the world” sounds, music. E. Ptichkina, lyrics. M. Plyatskovsky, performed by V. Tolkunova. Malvina shows the movements, the children repeat. 1. Fairy tales walk around the world, (Hands on the belt, Harnessing the night into a carriage. Light squats. Fairy tales live in the clearings, “Spring”) They wander at dawn in the fogs. And the prince will love Snow White. (Turn around its axis and And Kashchei’s greed will destroy... Light squat Let Evil play cunning tricks, at the end of the line). But still Good wins! 2. Having illuminated the world with miracles, (We expose our legs. Fairy tales fly over the forests, take turns forward). They sit on the windowsill, look into the rivers as if through windows. And the fairy will help out Cinderella, (Turn around its axis The Gorynych Snake will not become... and lightly squat on Let Evil play cunning tricks, end of the line). But still Good wins! 3. Fairy tales are with me everywhere, “Spring” I will never forget them. As soon as I close my eyelashes, I’ll instantly dream of Sivka-Burka. And the month will shine clear, (Turns around its In the eyes of Vasilisa the Beautiful... axis with a squat on Let Evil play cunning tricks, the last word But still Good wins! in the line). Oh, what great fellows you are, and you can dance wonderfully. Thank you for your help, I’ll go and tell Pinocchio what kind of kids are raised in kindergarten who know everything. I wish you good luck, the third competition awaits you.

4 competition. “Take a guess.”

Vasilisa: Guys, now I will speak in the words of the heroes of fairy tales, and you must guess who said it and in what fairy tale. For a complete answer you can get 2 tokens: one token for the name of the hero, and one token for the name of the fairy tale. Be careful (if a team does not have an answer, another team may answer). Questions:

1. “...Well, what a simpleton, you asked the fish for a trough! Come back to the blue sea" (Old woman from the fairy tale "About the Fisherman and the Fish") 2. "...Don't eat me wolf, I'll sing you a song!" (Kolobok from the fairy tale “Kolobok”) 3. “…. Oh, kids, oh kids, Open up, open up, I came, I brought milk...” (The Goat from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids”) 4. “... Don’t cry, grandfather, don’t cry, woman, I’ll lay you a new egg, not a golden one. , but simple." (Hen Ryaba from the fairy tale “Hen Ryaba”) 5. “- I came up with an idea! I found! - she said. “Let two of you take the twig in your beaks, and I will cling to it in the middle.” You will fly, and I will drive. It is only necessary that you don’t quack, and I don’t croak, and everything will be excellent” (Frog from the fairy tale “Frog - Traveler”) 1. “...Right now, as soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, scraps will go down the back streets!” (The fox from the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”) 2. “Cow, my dear, give me milk quickly, the hostess will whip butter out of the milk, I’ll lubricate the cockerel’s neck with butter: the cockerel choked on a bean grain...” (Chicken from the fairy tale “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed”) 3 “Oh, Ivan Tsarevich! What have you done? Why did you burn the frog skin? If you had waited a little, I would have been yours forever; and now goodbye! Look for me, distant lands in the thirtieth kingdom - near Koshchei the Immortal" (Frog from the fairy tale "The Frog Princess") 4. "- We, Murenka, with grandfather will go into the forest, and you sit at home, catch mice. As soon as we see the Silver Hoof, we will return. I’ll tell you everything then” (Girl Darenka from the fairy tale “Silver Hoof”) 5. “...Catch, big and small fish, catch, big and small fish...” (Wolf from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Fox”) The guys answer questions and receive tokens for correct answers. Vasilisa: Guys, shall we continue? The next competition is called “Further, further.” Explains the rules of the competition.

Competition 6: Complete the mosaic.

The presenter tells the rules of the competition. Three children from each team take part in the competition. Children use mosaic pieces to create a picture for a fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky. Whoever collects it faster receives a token, if the team names the writer and the name of the work fragment - a picture, then receives another token. Leading. Well done boys! You know fairy tales well. Our quiz is coming to an end. Summarizing.

The results of the game are summed up and medals are awarded.
All participants in the quiz game receive consolation prizes. Presenter:
Fairy tales give us miracles, People cannot live without fairy tales. It's time to say goodbye to the fairy tale. We'll tell all our friends to see you!!! See you again!

Entertainment for the second younger group “Visiting a fairy tale”

Olga Alexandrova

Entertainment for the second younger group “Visiting a fairy tale”

spruce: Bring joy to children. Strengthen your knowledge of Russian folk tales . Develop speech , attention, memory. Foster a love of reading fairy tales .

Equipment and materials: doll, bear, cat, bear and cat masks, table theater based on the fairy tale “Teremok. "

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