Summary of NOD in the preparatory group “In the Land of Tolerance”

Summary of NOD in the preparatory group “In the Land of Tolerance”

Summary of educational activities in the preparatory group
“In the Country of Tolerance”, educational area “Socialization”
Prepared by:

Kochetkova E.V.
Program content: Purpose.
Continue to reinforce the idea that planet Earth is a home for all people to love.
To consolidate the idea of ​​the individual characteristics of other people (children). To promote tolerance, respect and tolerance for people regardless of race, language, gender. Objectives: Continue the formation of communication abilities in children through the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) Strengthen the understanding of the individual characteristics of other people (children). To promote respect and tolerance for people regardless of their nationality, language, or religion.


Screen, projector, flower with petals (with written words), proverbs, ball, stereo system

Progress of joint activities:

The teacher and the children enter the hall, the children stand in a circle and say the words I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands together and smile at each other! (Hold hands and look at each other with a smile). Educator: The guys came to visit us today. Let's smile at the guests, say hello and get down to business. The teacher and children say the words: - Good afternoon! - We told you, - Good afternoon! -You said. How two strings were connected - Warmth and kindness. After the greeting, the children and teacher sit on chairs and the first slide with the poem appears. 1. SLIDE Ya. Akim There is one planet - a garden In this cold space Only here the forests are noisy, calling migrating birds. Only on it alone do lilies of the valley bloom in the green grass, and only here do dragonflies look into the river in surprise. Take care of your planet - After all, there is no other like it! Educator:
-What kind of planet is this that is mentioned in the poem?
Children's answers
. (The poem talks about our planet Earth).
-Guys, who can see our planet in all its glory?
Children's answers
: -Cosmonauts.
: -Can you and I see our planet?
Children's answers. Educator
: -You and I can look at the model of the Earth.
: -Who can tell what it’s called?
Children's answers (The model of the earth is called a globe) (showing the globe) Educator
: - What can you see on it?
Children's answers: (you can see seas and oceans, continents on it) Educator
: -Who inhabits our planet?
Children's answers (people, animals, plants, etc.) Educator
: - Guys!
Today we will go on a journey through the “Land of Tolerance” Educator
- Tolerance.
What it is? Children's answers (good, kind attitude towards all people) Slide with a poem.
What's happened? If anyone asks me, I will answer - this is everything earthly, That on which the entire planet stands. Tolerance is people of light, of different nations, faiths and destinies, discovering something, somewhere, rejoicing together. No need. Fear that you will be offended by People of the color of blood that is not yours, Fear that you will be humiliated by People in your native land. After all, our dear planet Loves all of us, white and colored. We will live, respecting each other, Tolerance is a word for the living. Educator
: - You know guys, so that people always remember these words and do good deeds, in many countries around the world the International Day of Tolerance is celebrated on November 16th.
: - I ask the girls to stand up.
: - Now please stand up, boys.
: - Please, guys, who has dark hair, and now who has blond hair, please stand up?
: - Think and say: “What are we all like?”
Children's answers (we are all different) Educator
: - Why are people different?
- How are we different? (shape of face, nose, cheeks, skin color, eyes, hair) Educator
: -Why are people from different countries so different from each other?
Children's answers (People live in different parts of the world). Educator
: -Do you know why this is so?
Let's look at the world map, did you answer correctly (Children look at pictures of people of different races on the slides) Q: - We are all different, but we are together, and we are all equal. Educator
: - Now let's remember the good qualities that you know in each other.
Let's stand in a circle and, passing the ball, we will name these qualities. Game “Compliments”
Q: - What do you think it means to be Tolerant?
Expected answers from children (to be kind, good) Educator
: - Guys, I brought you a flower of tolerance, but along the way it crumbled.
Can you help me assemble it? Game “Flower of Tolerance”
Petals with words are distributed (compassion, mercy, forgiveness, respect for human dignity, acceptance of others, kindness, anger, rudeness, fighting, cooperation, respect for the rights of others)
: - Look what words are written on the petals What petals are like you Do you think they suit our flower of tolerance?
Children choose those petals that match the flower. Educator
: - What do these words have in common?
Children's answers (these are good words) I attach the middle on which the word tolerance is written. Educator
: - And why don’t the remaining petals fit?
Children's answers. (These words are about bad deeds) Educator
: -Today we will go on a journey on a magic train.
Traveling through the Land of Tolerance, we will relax, play, and most importantly, learn to give people joy, be friendly, and attentive. The train signal sounds (children imitate the movement of the train). Educator
: - And there’s a city ahead. And to find out what it is called, you need to guess the riddle. Often you make it for people, and they make it for you. You have it in your soul, but you can’t find it anywhere. (Welcome)


:- So, what is the name of our first city?
(Dobro) And in the city of Dobro the first test awaits us, and if we are friendly and help each other, then we will cope with them. Educator
: - The main theme of fairy tales was and remains the struggle between good and evil.
I will name the fairy-tale hero, and you will answer what he is like. If you are kind, you clap your hands joyfully, and if you are evil, you stomp your feet. Ivan Tsarevich, Koschei the Immortal, Goldfish, Thumbelina, Karabas Barabas, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Geese-Swans, Merman, Baba Yaga, Morozko, Malvina. Educator
: - Guys, when people come to visit each other, or meet on the street, what do they say? Of course you need to say hello. Every well-mannered person should say hello. I want to tell you and show you how they greet each other in different countries.

Game "World Greetings" (slide show)

Russia – a hug and three kisses alternately on both cheeks.
China - light bow with arms crossed on the chest. France - handshake and kiss on both cheeks or Kiss, touching each other's cheeks alternately and sending one to five kisses into the air India - light bow, palms extended in front of the forehead. Japan - a slight bow, arms and palms extended at the sides Germany - a simple handshake and a look into the eyes. The Eskimo tradition is to rub noses against each other. Arabs - cross their arms over their chest; Samoans - sniff each other. Educator
: - And now, on command, when I say: “Hello,” you all say hello together in the way you like best.
: - Okay, we passed this test.

A signal sounds (children imitate the movement of a train) on the screen a slide with a train is replaced by a slide of the city of “Wise Men”


You and I found ourselves in the city of the Sages.
I will read the beginning of the proverbs, and you will continue it. •Good deeds make a person beautiful. • Hurry to do good. • Life is given for good deeds. • Good is paid for with good. Educator
: - Well done, you coped with this task!
: - And now, so that we can rest, we’ll do some physical education for the eyes.
Look at the screen and follow the insects with your eyes . (On the screen there are slides with a physical education lesson)
Well done, our eyes have had a rest, let's hit the road further!

A signal sounds (imitation of a train movement) on the screen, a slide with a train is replaced by a slide of the city “Good Deeds”


:- Attention city “Good Deeds” Guys, to complete this task you need to split into pairs.
Couples, sit down on the carpet! I will give each pair a picture that shows children committing intolerant (bad) acts. Discuss what the children are doing wrong and decide what to do!” Educator
: - Guys, you have completed this task!
Go ahead. A signal sounds (children imitate the movement of a train) on the screen a slide with a train is replaced by a slide of the city of “Magic Words.”
the teacher
: - We have arrived in the city of “Magic Words.”
We need to complete all the tasks in order to move on. Every polite and well-mannered person says words that we call “magic”. Guys, listen to the poem, guess, and tell me what “magic” word should be said. Game “Give me a word”
Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... (Thank you) An old tree stump will turn green when it hears... (Good afternoon) The boy is polite and developed, he says, when meeting,... (Hello) When we are scolded for pranks, we say:... (Please forgive me) Both in France and Denmark they say goodbye when they say goodbye: ... (Goodbye)
Game “Please” Educator: -
I will give you various tasks, and you will have to complete them only if I The task is to say the word “Please”.
If this word is not there, do not complete the task. All clear? Let's try. Be very careful. Game "Please" • Please stand up. • Raise your right hand. • Please raise your left hand. • Kindly sit down. • Please clap. • Stomp. • Please smile! Educator
: - and we completed this task!
Forward! The song “Blue Car” plays (imitation of the movement of a train); on the screen, the slide of the train is replaced by the slide of the city “Zagadok”. Educator:
- Our journey continues, and we find ourselves in the city of “Riddles”. I will ask you riddles. If the riddle is about kindness and politeness, then in response to it you need to say in unison: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!” and clap. If the riddle is about what you can’t do, keep silent and drown. Game “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!” Who among you, waking up cheerfully, will say good morning firmly? (Answer) Tell me, brothers, which of you forgets to wash your face? How many of you have your bag, books and notebooks in order? How many of you on a cramped tram give up a seat to older people? How many of you are silent like a fish instead of a kind “thank you”? Who wants to be polite and doesn’t offend kids?

A signal sounds (imitation of train movement) and on the screen the slide with the train is replaced by a slide of the “TOLERANCE” square

the teacher
: - Well done, guys. Well done. Our journey is coming to an end. It ends in the main square of the Land of Tolerance.

"Multi-colored globe"

If only white flowers bloomed in the field, you and I would soon get tired of admiring them.

If only yellow flowers bloomed in the field, you and I would become bored by such beauty.

It’s good that there are daisies, Roses, asters, cornflowers, Dandelions and porridge, Forget-me-nots and frying!

It’s good that people are different in eye and skin color. How beautiful is the colorful world, the multi-colored globe! A. Shlygin

As a caregiver

:- Guys, what qualities do you think a person living on planet Earth should have?
We don’t know where this person lives, how old he is, what nationality he is. He's just a man. Children's answers (Polite, kind, good, smart, brave, honest To the teacher
: - What can we do so that peace always reigns in our country? Children's answers (Be friends, do not swear, speak polite words) To
the teacher
: - A person is born and lives on earth in order to do good to people. The earth is our common home and it will depend on you and me whether we save this world or not. Let's stand in the circle of tolerance. Now put your right hand on the shoulder of the person on the right - this means that you you have a friend who you can lean on. With your left hand, hug the person on your left - this means that you are ready to support each other. And we will all listen to the song together. The song “Let's be friends” is playing. To
the teacher
. - Thank you everyone! I wish you goodness, sincerity and understanding between each other. Well done!


Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group on the topic: “Conversation about friends and friendship.” 2021

Goal: to continue to help children learn norms of behavior and teach kindness. Objectives: - developing in children the skill of establishing good, friendly relationships with children; — consolidation by children of knowledge about the rules of communication with friends; - teach children to see the good qualities of their comrades; — teach children to select words with the same root; - formation of a tolerant (tolerant) attitude of children towards each other; — development of moral education; - develop speech activity; - develop the ability to argue your point of view. Equipment: - a letter, - pictures with children, adults, - a piggy bank with hearts, - a song about friendship on the computer.

Progress of the lesson.

Introductory part. Organizational moment (surprise moment). I promised to talk to you, about what?...

“He shares his joy with me, He is always a mountain for me. If trouble happens suddenly, a faithful one will help me..." ( Friend )

(The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle.) All the children gathered in a circle, I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other. Guys, when I was going to work today I met the postman and he handed me a letter for our group. - Letter? Let's read what is written there? LET'S READ! You see, how appropriate is our lesson today. Educator: - Yes..., we need to do something urgently. Guys, can we help? Can we handle it? What do we need to do for this?

- That's right, we have to show how we can be friends. And how to behave if a quarrel suddenly occurs. – Who can tell me what kind of word friendship is, what does it mean? - Right. Friendship is when children want to be together, when they play together, and do not quarrel. Friendship is the smiles of friends. This means that friends are people with whom we find it easy and interesting. — Guys, look at the pictures. Do you think these kids are friends? Why did you decide so? (Children's answers).

— Let’s find similar (same-root) words to the word “Friend.” (Friends, buddy, buddy, friendly, buddy, be friends, girlfriend, become friends, friendship).

- That's how many words we came up with! Amazing!

- Guys, who can you call a friend? (Who shares toys, who never offends, who helps, is a good friend).

—Can an adult be a friend? (Dad, grandmother, mother, sister, brother, teacher). Of course they can, because they love us very much, take care of us, teach us good things.

—What do you think, can animals be friends? For example, a dog. Yes maybe. She protects us from evil people, plays with us. Taking care of them warms us.

- This means that not only peers can be friends, but also adults and animals, and favorite toys. Only friends are waiting for us in the group.

Educator : - Remember, children, if a friend is in trouble, only one thing will help you cope with sadness and anger... (kindness).

- Well done. So how should you be towards your friend? (Kind). There is even a proverb: a good word heals, but an evil word kills.

- What other proverbs about friendship do you know? Raise your hands if you know. 1. If you don’t have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him. 2. Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends. 3. One for all and all for one. 4. Friendship is the most precious treasure. 5. Friendship is more valuable than money. 6. Life is hard without a friend.

Educator: - There are so many books about friendship! (The teacher gives a quiz.)

Quiz “Who is friends with whom?”

1. Green crocodile Gena and... (Cheburashka) 2. Trusting Pinocchio and... (Malvina) 3. Funny bear Winnie the Pooh and... (Piglet) 4. One day four musicians got together and became friends. They gave concerts together, drove away robbers together, lived together - they didn’t bother. Name these musician friends. (Bremen Town Musicians: rooster, cat, dog, donkey.) 5. Which girl rescued her friend Kai from ice captivity? (Gerda). 6. This hero fell onto the bed and, clutching his head, said: “I am the sickest person in the world!” He demanded medicine. They gave it to him, and he responded: “A friend saved a friend’s life!” Who are we talking about? And what medicine was given to the patient? (Carlson. The medicine is raspberry jam.) 7. Which two friends lay on the sand and sang a song about the sun? Name them. (Lion cub and turtle.) 8. The girl with blue hair had many friends, but one was always there. Who is he? (Poodle Artemon)

Educator: - Well done, guys! There are a lot of books about friendship and friends. By reading them, you make friends in the form of literary heroes.

Educator: - Guys! Now you are just learning to be friends. And for friendship to be strong, you need to follow the laws. There are many laws of friendship. If you follow these rules, you will become true friends!

Basic laws of friendship. Don't offend your friends and everyone around you. Respect each other and help each other. Rejoice with your friends. Don't leave your friends in trouble. Do not lie. Take care of your friends. Help a friend in need. Know how to share your joy with a friend. Don't laugh at your friend's shortcomings. Stop your friend if he is doing something wrong. Treat your friend like you treat yourself. Learn to admit your mistakes.

And now we will learn the main three secrets of friendship. Want to?

The first secret of friendship

(Then listen to the song). The song “From a Smile” by V. Shainsky is playing. -Tell me, please, where does friendship begin? -That's right, with a smile. Look how quickly, easily and simply you unraveled the first secret. Tell me, which person is more pleasant to communicate with? The one who is gloomy, angry or the one who smiles? PICTURE OF EMOTIONS - That's right. So let's smile at each other. -So, you have solved the first secret. What is the name of this secret? -That's right , smile. PICTURE “Friendly guys.” Game (One, two, three four, five, we begin to play) Smile at the one on the right, smile at the one on the left. Give a hand to the one on the right, Give a hand to the one on the left, Hug the one on the right, Hug the one on the left. Well, the game is over. We're all friends in the group. Hooray!

The second secret of friendship.

Show a picture of two children, one of whom helps each other. -Do you think those depicted in these pictures are friends? -Why do you think so? -That's right, friends should help each other. -So another secret of friendship has been unraveled. -What should we call this secret? That's right, help

The third secret of friendship . (Sitting on the carpet)

-I'll tell you a story now. And you sit quietly and get ready to reason again! -In one kindergarten, two girls Lisa and Masha were friends. They were very friendly and always told each other only the truth. But one day, Masha accidentally broke Liza’s doll. -Who broke my doll? – Lisa burst into tears. “I don’t know,” said Masha, probably this is Maxim. “Why did you break my doll?” Lisa asked Maxim. -I didn't break it. Masha broke it, I saw it. - Can't be! Lisa exclaimed. Masha is my best friend, and friends never deceive each other. Lisa approached Masha and asked. Why did you deceive me, Masha? -I was afraid that you would stop being friends with me if you found out that I broke your doll. “Don’t do that again, Masha,” said Lisa. Friends should be honest with each other. -Remember, guys, deception can destroy friendship. Therefore, friends should always be honest towards each other.

-Have you figured out another secret of friendship? -What should we call this secret? -That's right, honesty.

You have unraveled 3 secrets of friendship. Let's remember these secrets of friendship. -Smile -Help -Honesty. - Guys, if it was easy for you today, please clap for fun during class.

Summarizing. Educator: - What did we talk about today? - (Children's answers) Result. Surprise moment. Educator: – I was once again convinced that we have friendship in our group, you know how to be friends and, of course, you could teach other children to be friends. - And so that the friendship between you becomes strong and real, put your wishes for friendship in this magic piggy bank. To do this, each of you will take a heart, say a wish (what you need to be like to make friends) and throw it into the piggy bank. - Now I’m calm for you, the piggy bank will remain in our group, and you can replenish it with new wishes for friendship. - What do you guys think, did we help cope with the insidious witch Zlyuchka and prevent her from entering our garden? (Of course, she realized that it was impossible to quarrel with such children).

- The lesson ends, it’s time for everyone to rest, But friendship continues , hurray, hurray, hurray!

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