Experience in teaching preschoolers traffic rules


1.1 Information note

The kindergarten opened after a major renovation on February 14, 2008, there are 7 groups: 4 general developmental, 2 compensatory, 1 short-term stay group.

The institution employs 15 teachers, of which: 5 have higher education, 10 have secondary specialized education, 2 teachers have the highest qualification category, 6 have the first qualification category.

To carry out the pedagogical process in the preschool educational institution there are: a music and sports hall, a sports ground, a winter garden, a room of Kuban life, a room of fairy tales, an art studio, a speech therapy room, a methodological room, a medical room, an ecological trail, a weather site, a health path, a road and transport site is equipped . There is a rhythmic gymnastics club “Hoop” for children of senior preschool age, and a fine arts club for children of senior preschool age “Rainbow”. We sew Kuban and other costumes for children and adults using our own resources.

Teachers and kindergarten students participate in all events and promotions held in the municipality: “Rules of conduct and protection of people’s lives on water bodies”, “Prevention of children’s road injuries”, “The child is the main passenger”, “International Family Day”, “ Antinarko", "Safe Kuban", "Parking", "Attention, Children!"

Teachers and kindergarten students annually participate in the regional competition “Rescue Service 01”:

  • 2011 - diploma for winning the regional competition in the category “Work of a teacher”;
  • 2012 - senior group student Tatyana Demchuk, winner of the municipal stage in the “Painting” nomination;
  • 2013 – diploma for winning the regional competition in the “Teacher’s Work” category.

Thanks to the efforts of the preschool educational institution team, a vegetable garden and an orchard were planted on the territory, flower beds and flower beds were decorated. There are playgrounds and shade shelters for children.


Berestova Evgenia Alekseevna, has a higher pedagogical education, the highest qualification category, teaching experience - 23 years, of which 9 years as a manager, 7 years as a manager in this institution.

Senior teacher:

Shcherbina Larisa Aleksandrovna
has a higher pedagogical education, the highest qualification category, teaching experience - 19 years, experience in this institution - 19 years, experience in this position - 6 years.

1.2. Programs implemented at the preschool educational institution:

  • OOP based on the Education and Training Program in Kindergarten, ed. M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova
  • “Education of ecological culture in preschool childhood” S.N. Nikolaeva,
  • “Ladushki” by I.M. Kaplunova,
  • “Rhythmic mosaic” by A.I. Burenina,
  • “Colored palms” by I.A. Lykova.

The preschool educational institution uses proprietary technologies:

  • "School of Road Sciences" O.Yu. Startseva,
  • “Basics of safety for children 5-8 years old” T.A. Shorygina,
  • “Me and my safety” K.Yu. White,
  • “Road rules for preschoolers” S.N. Cherepanova,
  • “Three traffic lights” by T.F. Saulina,
  • “Road rules for preschool children” N.A. Izvekova,
  • “For preschoolers about the rules of the road” E.Ya. Stepanenkova,
  • “Road Rules” by T.G. Kobzeva,
  • “My friends are road signs” G.P. Shalaeva,
  • “Learning the road alphabet” F.S. Mayorova,
  • “Lifestyle for older preschoolers” N.S. Golitsyn.

Magazines and newspapers:

  • "Journey to the Green Light"
  • "Good Road of Childhood"



  • conscious attitude to issues of personal safety and the safety of others;
  • manifestation of discipline, self-control, independence in observing the rules of behavior;
  • the ability to anticipate possible danger and find ways to avoid it;
  • knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on the streets.
  • the ability to take care of one’s physical health and follow safety rules;
  • the ability to choose an adequate model of behavior in various life situations;
  • the ability to organize activities in accordance with the rules of behavior that is safe for oneself and others in “typical” situations;
  • the ability to act in extreme situations in accordance with learned rules on the road;
  • ideas about possible negative consequences for other people by their careless actions.



  • conscious involvement in the education of a safe type of personality.



  • formed orientation towards the implementation of a competent approach to the development of healthy and safe lifestyle values.
  • strengthening and development of the material and technical base for work in this area.


The project was implemented on the basis of MBDOU DS KV No. 28 of the village of Novodonetskaya municipal formation Vyselkovsky district.

Project implementation timeframe

: 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 academic years.

Project implementation results


  • sufficient conditions have been created for organizing the activities of preschool educational institutions for the protection and safety of children’s lives;
  • a long-term plan for working with children and parents has been developed and tested;
  • A series of classes was conducted on the topics: “Do you know the safety rules?”, “School of Pedestrian Sciences”, “Remember the rules of the road!”, “Road signs are our friends!”, “Visiting a traffic light.”
  • Criteria for assessing children's knowledge and skills as part of their familiarization with traffic rules have been developed.

In the course of our work, we became convinced that such a system of teaching children traffic rules undoubtedly produces positive results; the most important thing in our project is that we were able to interest parents and children in this problem. Our project can be used in other preschool educational institutions, as well as in primary schools.

We believe that this area of ​​work should always be under the close attention of teachers and parents, which means that further search and improvement in organizing work to prevent road traffic injuries is necessary.


Safety is one of the mandatory components of the environment in which a child grows up and is raised. At the stage of preschool childhood, one of the most important tasks for a child is to learn the rules of life in the adult world. Main problems:

  • preschoolers’ ignorance of basic rules;
  • the desire for independence, but the inability to adequately assess one’s strengths and capabilities;
  • indifferent attitude of adults to the behavior of children.

In the modern world, there is a secret war between man and machine, and its main field is the road. Every year over 200 thousand accidents occur on Russian roads. More than 35 thousand people die in them, more than 250 thousand are injured. In our region, the situation with road accidents also occurs with the participation of preschool children.

Helping a child enter this world with maximum gains and minimal risk is the responsibility of adults. Educating preschoolers about safe behavior on the roads should be done in several ways. First of all, through direct perception of the surrounding world, during which children actively become familiar with various road situations, perceiving and naming objects, phenomena, actions of people, their relationships with each other, analyzing these relationships and drawing conclusions. The second way is to understand reality through the stories of parents, educators, reading fiction, watching television programs, filmstrips and videos, through outdoor games, with the help of various pictures, illustrations, attributes and the personal example of adults. And, finally, through special work to develop in children motor skills and perception attitudes that are significant for safe behavior.

Correct behavior on the road and in transport is the main condition for preserving life. Therefore, it is important not only to talk about road safety, but also to practice the rules of the road until they become automatic. Only specific, emotionally charged activities and play exercises can leave a mark on a child’s mind.

Success in ensuring the safety of children can only be expected if the teacher himself has sufficient information about traffic rules, and parents approach this problem with full responsibility and are convinced of the need for measures taken to comply with safety rules.

Along with preserving and strengthening the health of children, one of the tasks of the kindergarten team is to teach preschoolers the rules of the road. Caring for the safety of children's lives is the most important task of a preschool institution, family and state.

Most children do not know how to behave on the roadway in order to survive.

Only systematic, systematic work in collaboration with the family will help preschoolers develop a strong knowledge of the rules of safe behavior on the road.

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