Work plan for the 2nd junior group on developing self-care skills

Summary of the game-situation “Before bed” for children of the younger group

Elena Chuvilina
Summary of the game-situation “Before Bed” for children of the younger group

The theme of the game is “Before Bedtime” situations

Tasks. Involve children in role-playing situations; learn to interact with dolls; teach children to play from start to finish; encourage role taking; develop speech while playing.

Materials. Dolls, cribs.

Progress of the game

The teacher observes the play where children play with dolls and then helps the actions occur. He approaches any child and asks: Katya, is this your daughter? She can't sleep with you? I sing a song to my daughter before bed and always tell her a fairy tale. Listen to the song:

Daughter, close your eyes,

And the kids should sleep,

Once upon a time there was a boy. He liked one girl. But an evil wizard turned her into stone. A boy came to the wizard, told him that he was sad without the girl and asked him to disenchant her. The wizard liked the kind boy. And he turned the stone back into a girl. The boy said thank you to the wizard, took the girl by the hand and they went home. The teacher pays attention to the doll. Look, Katya, your daughter fell asleep after our fairy tale. Next time the girls can style their dolls themselves.

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Working with children before bed - goals and methods

Sleep is necessary to restore the baby's physiological and mental balance . According to sanitary and hygienic standards, its duration for children under 5 years old is 2 hours, for children under 7 years old - 1–1.5 hours.

Sleep is the basis of a child's health

In order for a child’s sleep to become a physiological habit, it is necessary to strictly follow the daily routine, down to every minute. Then, by the time the daytime rest begins, the child will be ready for it.

Many preschoolers have a thousand reasons not to fall asleep, so methodical work before daytime rest plays an important role. Its goals are:

To achieve his goals, the nap organizer faces a number of tasks that he has to solve every day:

The room where children sleep must be ventilated in advance.

Methodological organization of preparing children for bed

To achieve the assigned tasks, the teacher:

These techniques can be used in combination, but for children of the first and second junior groups, who due to age get tired faster, and therefore need rest more than others, it is enough to turn on background music after lunch (while carrying out hygiene procedures, changing clothes) and reading fairy tales. For children in the middle group we add breathing exercises. In addition to their beneficial effect on the respiratory system, they also help develop correct sound pronunciation. This is a very important task for this age. This gymnastics is carried out 20–30 minutes after lunch. Older children can play a little quiet games before starting hygiene procedures.

Many psychologists deny the importance of daytime sleep, since such a regime, strictly observed in kindergarten, suppresses the individuality of children who do not want to sleep.

How to create favorable conditions for falling asleep

It is very important in what environment babies fall asleep. Set up for sleep:

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