Catalog of educational resources for preschool teachers

To publish an article, you must first send it to the editor for review (The email address is being protected from spambots. To view the address, Javascript must be enabled in your browser.):

— the article file must be named — surname of the first author_title of the article; for example: Petrov_Innovations in English language methods. If the article has several authors, only the surname of the first author is indicated);

– in the subject line of the letter, be sure to indicate the surname of the author (authors) and the tag “article”, for example: Ivanov – article or Ivanov, Petrov – article. If urgent publication is necessary, be sure to indicate this in the subject line of the letter, for example: Ivanov - urgent article.

— for further requests, be sure to save your correspondence history in the letter so that we can respond to your requests more quickly.

Attention! Payment details for the article are sent only after the article has been accepted for publication.

A notice of acceptance of an article for publication, or a notice of the need to modify the article in accordance with review comments, is sent within 7 working days after receiving the materials. Reviewing is carried out by scientists and specialists of RAO, researchers and teachers of leading research organizations and universities in Russia. If a response from the editors is not received within the specified time frame, you need to duplicate the sending of materials.

Organizational fee for publication:

Publication of an article in the magazine “Teacher” (no more than 12 pages A4 through 1.5 int.)

Publication of an article in the international scientific and methodological collection “World trends in the modernization of education and new educational technologies” (no more than 5-10 pages A4 through 1.5 int.)

1200 rub.
Author's copy (magazine/collection), including shipping within Russia (pcs.) 300 rub.
Author's copy (magazine/collection), including shipping outside Russia (pcs.) 400 rub.

Attention! Subscribers of the publication, when registering (semi-annual, annual subscription), are given a free opportunity to place at least 2 publications per year in our publication! When subscribing for 1 copy. magazine receives a 20% discount on publication.

If you are already a subscriber to the publication, be sure to make a note about this in the letter and attach a subscription receipt. Attention! Free publication for subscribers is carried out according to the rule: subscription to 1 author - 2 publications (of the same author). If, for example, a subscription is issued to one address where a family of teachers lives, then in this case only a publication from one person will be accepted as a free publication.

Regular authors receive a 20% discount.

Requirements for articles:

1. Recommended volume of materials

- from 5 to 12 pages A4 (for placement in the magazine “Teacher”), 5-10 pages A4 (for placement in scientific collections of the publishing house)

2. Requirements for text formatting:

— file saved in the Microsoft Office Word editor (.doc, .docx, .rtf format)

— font “Times New Roman”

— main text — font size 14

— interval — 1.5 or 2

— all margins — 2 cm

- indentation (paragraph) - 0.63 cm.

Attention! The article should be formatted as simple text - without frames or other decorative elements. The editors do not consider materials designed in the form of projects with the subparagraphs Analytical Note, Rationale, Project Goal, Objectives, etc. The article should present the author's opinion and teaching experience in the form of a textual presentation. The editors also do not consider articles that present methodological programs or lesson progress in the form of multi-page tables and educational planning. This information should also be presented in plain text, paragraph by paragraph.

3. The order (structure) of the text:

— surname and initials of the author (in bold, italics, with capital letters in small letters, in the left corner);

- information about the author - academic title, academic degree, place of work/study ((in bold, italics, with capital letters in small letters, in the left corner);

— title of the article (in capital letters, bold, centered);

— abstract (2-3 lines in Russian and English);

— keywords (3-5 words) in Russian and English;

— the main text of the article (width alignment);

- literature (sources, no more than 10).

4. Design of graphics and tables:

1. An article may contain no more than 3 non-volume tables (no more than 10 rows each).

2. Tables must be created using Word tools - the Table tab (not drawings and scans!).

3. All graphic materials in the design of the article must be black and white.

4. The article may contain no more than 3-5 graphic elements: drawings, diagrams, photographs, presentation slides that reflect the essence of the publication.

5. Presentation slides should be inserted into the text of the article only in picture format (and not by copying!).

6. An article may contain no more than 1-2 non-volume applications, in which additional tables can be placed (monitoring logs, assessments, tests, etc.)

7. Please do not send voluminous attachments with a large number of photos, attachments, or presentations *ppt to the editorial office. Presentations are not published in the journal.

5. Preparation of footnotes and bibliography:

— footnotes (for literature) are placed inside the article in square brackets after the quotation (the source number is indicated first, and then, after a comma, the page number; for example: [3, p. 5]);

— footnotes to several sources indicating pages are separated by a semicolon (for example: [3, p. 5; 7, p. 67]).

— the list of references is drawn up in accordance with GOST:

A) articles from magazines and collections:

Ivanov I.I. // Selected thoughts. 2008. No. 9. pp. 14–15.

B) Electronic resources (Internet resources):

Ivanov I.I. Favorites [Electronic resource]. URL: (access date: 08/16/2013)

C) Materials of conferences, meetings, seminars:

Ivanov I.I. Selected thoughts // Humanitarian education today: Scientific and practical materials. conf. (August 28-29, 2009, Moscow). M.: MSU, 2009. P.50-56.

Catalog of useful education sites for teachers and studentsmaterial

Municipal government agency

additional education

"House of children's and youth tourism and excursions (young tourists)"



Compiled by: Zvezdilina Maria Sergeevna,

additional education teacher


Educational Internet resources.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation ministry of education and science.rf Federal portal "Russian Education" Single window of access to educational resources Unified collection of digital educational resources Federal center for information and educational resources Russian general education portal Network of creative teachers Teachers' newspaper Osnova Publishing Group Academy pedagogical excellence

Partner sites.

All-Russian electronic magazine "Preschool Education Teacher" All-Russian electronic magazine "Pedagogical Mastership" Academy of Preschool Education Catalog of sites "Russian education on the Internet" Catalog of sites


  1. Magazine "Pedagogical World"
  2. Modern Teacher Portal
  3. Pedagogical newspaper
  4. PEDMIX - Website for teachers
  5. NUMI.RU - methodological center
  6. Pedagogical club "SCIENCE AND CREATIVITY"
  7. Big change - Home page
  8. Pedagogical information agency "CREATIV" - Home page

  1. Publication in the journal PEDAGOGICAL DIALOGUE | Open class

  1. “Exemplary School” - a magazine for teachers
  2. Center for Pedagogical Innovation named after. K.D. Ushinsky
  3. Remote Events Website | Academy of Growth
  4. All-Russian competitions, Olympiads, quizzes for schoolchildren, preschoolers and teachers
  5. Pedagogical Olympiad
  6. Talantoha - competitions for children, teachers, educators and parents
  7. Goldfish - Home page (All-Russian distance competition "Goldfish" for children and teachers with accelerated deadlines for summing up the results)

  1. Remote conferences | Competitions for teachers and schoolchildren

  1. XXI International Conference “Theoretical and Methodological Problems of Modern Education” [RSCI]
  2. Center for the Development of Pedagogical Initiatives
  3. Conference on Pedagogy. Collection in RSCI.
  4. Conferences on pedagogy, correspondence conferences for teachers, pedagogical conferences
  5. conferences for teachers %D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B5-%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%89%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82% D0%B2%D0%BE/%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%84%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%86%D0%B8%D0 %B8/index

  1. Talent Academy. All-Russian competitions for children and teachers
  2. From birth to school
  3. All-Russian competitions for teachers and children -

  1. Electronic journal Externat.RF

  1. Website - World of Competitions from UNIKUM
  2. Center for Pedagogical Creativity - Correspondence conferences

  1. Pedagogical skills / competitions for teachers and educators

  1. The world of remote projects – Home
  2. Pedagogical advisor - competitions for teachers, pedagogical competitions, where to publish an article for a teacher, competitions for teachers remotely, competitions for teachers…
  3. Home page - Methodological developments. Competitions and Olympiads for schoolchildren. — Distance Educational Portal “Prodlenka” -
  4. “Seasons of the Year” - general education magazine about nature


  1. Competitions for teachers / Magazine "Preschool Education Teacher"
  2. ASSCENT – competitions, olympiads, conferences, projects


Personal archive and experience of Zvezdilina M.S.


How to post

To post a publication for teachers to receive a certificate you need:

  • indicate your full name, position and name of the educational institution on the title page;
  • write the title of the work. It should be as clear and concise as possible (the title needs to reflect the essence of your work);
  • indicate the type of work (script, outline, guidelines);
  • indicate the author of the material. If you are writing a paper together with someone, write the names of all your co-authors. There is no need to write the full name of the author of the textbook on which you were based;
  • write a description (up to 400 characters).

Before publication, works are checked by editors. If we are unable to publish the material (for example, there are many errors in it, or we have detected plagiarism), we will definitely notify you about this.

The work must be unique. Considering that quotes may be used in the material, the recommended uniqueness is 30-50%.

It is permissible to publish other people's works, but the authorship must be correctly indicated. Postings by children are not permitted.

At the same time, you are allowed to use children's drawings in your work (with attribution and permission from parents/guardians).

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