In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, preschool teachers must instill in their pupils the skills of safe handling of fire
Lesson “About volcanoes” for children In the arsenal of experienced teachers there are many ways to instill in a preschooler
Work plan for a drawing circle in the middle group Work plan for the “Magic Paints” circle in
Summary of a music lesson in the senior group. Journey to the autumn forest Summary of organized educational activities
Since ancient times, it was by objects of inanimate nature that people determined weather changes and its various phenomena:
Lesson summary for teaching literacy to older preschoolers “Sound [a] and letter A” Lesson summary
Short-term project in the middle group PROJECT for children of the middle group “Beauty Christmas Tree” Winter is beautiful
Lapbook “Transport” A laptop on the topic “Transport” is intended for children of middle, high school and preparatory
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Summary of a lesson on introducing edible and inedible mushrooms to preparatory group children
Card index of mathematical fairy tales Verzakova Tatyana Valerievna Card index of mathematical fairy tales Card index of mathematical fairy tales For the mental