Project on interaction between educators and parents Pedagogical project of group 3 “Interaction of preschool educational institutions with parents.”
Summary of the lesson “Radiant Sun”
Extracurricular activity program dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day. Municipal educational budgetary institution "Secondary general education
Pedagogical technologies in environmental education of preschool children Technology of labor organization in nature is carried out
Progression of the regime moment: There is a knock on the door. Voss: Who is knocking on our door? (Teacher
Cultural and leisure event “Radiant Sun” Municipal budgetary educational institution “Secondary school No. 17” (building 2)
A joint activity project with children and parents of the senior group “Vegetable garden on the window.” MBDOU "TsRR"
LEGO building project for pre-school group. Topic: "Transport". Transcript 1