GCD in music in the senior group using ICT. Musical instruments Lesson notes in
Lesson 3. Sound culture of speech: the sound o. Examination of illustrations for the fairy tale “Kolobok” Purpose. Continue
Programs by age When doing fitness, age often becomes a key factor when choosing a type
Walk through the forest plan - summary of a lesson on the world around us (senior group) on the topic “Municipal budgetary preschool
Drawing “Mushrooms” in the older group Children often depict mushrooms with a vertical and horizontal oval. Especially
“Application of TRIZ methods in the everyday life of preschool educational institutions.” MASTER CLASS “APPLICATION OF TRIZ METHODS IN EVERYDAY LIFE
Publications on speech therapy Teacher-speech therapist Natalya Anatolyevna Zorina, Chelyabinsk Correctional and educational goals: • Consolidation in speech
On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes Lesson notes for children with ODD sixth
Color Recognition of color from a sample Task: match pictures to the color background. Color recognition by