Master class “Creating attributes for the role-playing game “Construction Project Shop” and “Cafe”, handmade (middle group)
Master class “Making attributes for the role-playing game “Shop” and “Cafe”. Project on design, manual labor (middle group)
Good afternoon, dear colleagues and everyone who reads my articles! Welcome to Tatyana Sukhikh.
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CARD INDEX 200 exercises for the development of general and fine motor skills card index on correctional pedagogy
Why is it important to develop fine motor skills? The connection between finger mobility and the brain, in particular speech, was revealed
Bird applications from various scrap materials in a step-by-step master class
Creating a paper applique is a fairly popular task in kindergarten. Often the task is given
Card index of didactic games on the topic “Professions” (second junior group)
Pictures with actions for children Pictures with actions will help teachers, parents correctly and
Final lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group
LiveInternetLiveInternet Sidorova Natalya Alekseevna, teacher-speech therapist Sections: Speech therapy Purpose: to acquaint parents with the results of correctional work
Game - an activity with didactic material in an early age group
Game - lesson with didactic material in an early age group Synopsis of a game - lesson in a group
Children about the artist profession
Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the surrounding world. Topic: "Profession of an artist" outline of a lesson on the surrounding world (senior group)
Description Acting is based on the principle of transformation. In theory, there are two types of it:
Finger gymnastics card index (senior group) on the topic
Finger gymnastics and its importance for a child Research has proven that the development of a child’s speech
Sand therapy for children
Sand therapy for children: educational and creative games
Sand therapy for children makes a significant contribution to the development of cognitive and creative abilities, speech,
Consultation “Creating conditions for speech development in preschool settings”
Consultation “Creating conditions for speech development in preschool settings” In traditional preschool development methods
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