Photo source: Preparing a child for school is not the only task that can be solved
Theater is a magical world, based on something so understandable and close to children
Developmental activities for children from 1 year to 3 years old - are they needed and how?
Children's subject-development environment Organization of zoning of a kindergarten group Subject-development environment is a space with
Where should you start? The use of a developmental environment is directly related to its organization. Personnel task
Specifics of self-education of a methodologist, senior teacher A methodologist of a preschool institution is also engaged in self-improvement activities, therefore
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Abstract of the educational activity "GARDEN ON THE WINDOW" Goal: to develop children's interest in experimental
Dedicated to needlewomen. It turns out that it’s not at all difficult to make a puppet theater with your own hands from paper - templates
Independent play activity of preschool children Zhiltsova Inna Anatolyevna Independent play activity of preschool children
Theater "Fanny Bell's House" Address: St. Staraya Basmannaya 17, building 15. +7