Summary of a lesson on appliqué in kindergarten. Middle group

Summary of a lesson on appliqué in kindergarten. Middle group

Summary of a lesson on appliqué in the middle group “Terem - Teremok”

Goal: creating a tower from a Russian folk tale. Objectives: • Remind children of the content of the fairy tale “Teremok”. • Develop children's speech activity. • Instill interest in Russian folk tales. • Foster a caring attitude towards animals. Preliminary work: Reading fairy tales, looking at illustrations, solving riddles about animals, coloring characters. Equipment: glue - pencil, rags, sheets of colored paper in the form of a rectangle, templates with a roof, windows, doors, scissors.
Progress of the lesson:
Educator : Guys, now we are going to play a game called “Find a toy.” This game is very easy to play. I will describe the place in the group where I hid the toy. You need to find her. Shall we begin? Children: Yes. Educator : This is the place where our girls play. It is large, two-story. It's on the cabinet near the entrance to the bedroom. Children: Barbie house. Educator : Correct. Katya, since you guessed right, you must find this toy. (The child goes looking and finds a toy in the house) Look younger, Katyusha! Tell me, what kind of toy is this? Katya: This hare. Educator : Smart girl. Let's continue playing. This is the place where our favorite fairy tales, stories, and poems are stored. I often read them to you before dinner. What do you think I'm talking about? And where are they located? Children: About books. They are on the bookshelf. Educator: Ulyana, bring the second toy. (The child goes looking and finds a toy among the books) Smart girl. What kind of toy is this? Ulyana: Frog - frog. Educator : Very good, let's continue the game. This is the greenest and liveliest place. And it is also the most beautiful. This is where they bloom and smell. Children: Flowers. Educator: Ilyusha, find and bring a toy. (The child goes looking and finds a toy in the pot) Well done. Tell me, what kind of toy is this? Ilyusha: Bear. Educator: Shall we continue playing? Children: Yes. Educator: There is an unusual tap in this place. If we suddenly want to drink, let’s go, take a glass and pour it. Children: Cooler with water. Educator: Great, well done. Margarita, bring a toy. (The child goes looking and finds a toy behind the cooler.) Tell me, what kind of toy is this? Margarita: Mouse. Educator: Very good. Then we play. This is the place where you guys like to draw in your free time. Children: Drawing table. Educator : That's right, Eva. Bring toys. (The child goes looking and finds 2 toys on the table). Smart girl, she found not one, but two. Tell me, what kind of toys are these? Eva: The fox and the top. Educator: Great job. Sit down. Guys, did you like the game? Children: Yes. Educator: Look how many toys we found. List them for me? Children: mouse, frog, bunny, fox, wolf, bear. Educator: Don’t you think that these characters are very familiar to us? Where have we seen them? Children: In the fairy tale “Teremok” Educator: Exactly. I have remembered. They are from the fairy tale “Teremok.” What were they affectionately, fabulously called? Children: Bunny - a runner, a mouse - a little mouse, a frog - a frog, a top - a gray barrel, a fox - a little sister, a clubfooted bear. Educator: That's right, the fairy tale is called “Teremok”. What happened at the end of this fairy tale? Children: The bear broke the tower, and all the animals fled, and then the animals all built a new house together. Educator: Well done. Let us help every fairy-tale hero build a little tower. Children: Let's build it. Teacher: Look on the table you have: glue, a rag, colored paper, scissors. What shape is this paper? Children: Rectangular. Educator : Pay attention to the colored paper, geometric shapes are drawn. Which? Children: Large circle, small rectangles. Educator : That's right, you need to cut out a circle and rectangles. Tell us how we handle scissors? Children: Careful, don’t play around, pass the rings forward. Educator : What does the tower consist of? Children: Wall, roof, windows, door. Educator : Take a large rectangle and apply glue along the edge on one side. We glue. This will be the wall of the tower. Next, take the paper with the circle and cut out the circle. Look, there is a corner drawn in the circle, we also cut it out. Apply glue to the edge of the corner on one side and connect. Wipe with a cloth. This will be the roof. Now, take and cut out small rectangles - these will be our windows and door. Apply glue and glue it to our tower. We put the roof on top and our little house is ready. Whoever built the mansion can choose any fairy-tale hero who will live in your mansion. Children choose fairy tale characters. Educator : Look how beautiful your little houses are. All different. Not a single identical little house. What did you like most about the lesson? Children: game “Find a toy”, make little houses. Educator: Everyone turned out to have magical little houses. Well done.

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To decorate the theater, I took a cardboard box from a mosaic and cut four holes in the lids the width of an A4 sheet. The box was painted with white titanium white, and the holes were covered with white self-adhesive paper and tape. Decorations are inserted into the holes like filmstrip slides.

As one of the decorations, I printed out a picture of a forest and houses and decorated them with gouache. Together with my daughter, I made one decoration based on the fairy tale “”, gluing the existing color pictures. Also, together with my daughter, using color pictures and glue, we made a decoration with a tower in two versions, and a simple applique with a tree, a butterfly, a cat, and a cloud.

The cardboard box decoration option is easy to fold and put away without taking up much space. In addition, you can insert any plot pictures for the performance you want as decorations - you can print them, draw them using various techniques, or make appliques. Your child is involved in the creation too! We already enjoyed playing our favorite “Kolobok” and “Teremok”.

Olga Antonenko and daughter Olesya 1 year 6 months Yaroslavl.

We needed: boxes, double tape, scissors.

To start, I cut out windows in the boxes. I had to add 2 pieces down. glued together for stability. Then I connected it using double-sided tape. I had to tinker with the roof, and in the end I added another box for an isosceles roof. Since “Teremok” is our favorite fairy tale, we will use the scenery all the time.

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Theater - book

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To begin with, I took 2 sheets of A4 size drawing paper. On the first sheet I drew a simple landscape in gouache: sky, clearing and forest.

I folded the second sheet in half and cut out the hut. I cut a window in one half, after which I painted the house. After drying, I painted the “interior” of the hut. To make the task easier, I opened a book with fairy tales and drew the shelf-mats... I think you can also make an applique if it’s difficult to draw.

Kudryashova Nadezhda and children Anya (4.5 years old) and Misha (1.4 years old), St. Petersburg.

Did you like the scenery for the play based on the fairy tale “Teremok”? Save it to your wall so you can make the same ones and act out your favorite fairy tales with your child!

Thematic set "Teremok"

The kit includes 22 pages of materials for conducting 1-2 lessons with children from 1 year to 5 years.

Pictures for flannelgraph or table theater. And the tower can be made from cubes. It is best to organize a fairy tale at the beginning of the lesson. The youngest children should be involved in the telling of fairy tales, trying to get them to pronounce onomatopoeia. And older children can completely play as the heroes of the fairy tale.

The lesson itself is best based on the plot of a fairy tale from the arrival of the mouse to the arrival of the bear.

For this you can use the following materials:

Beads for the fox - The little fox-sister was walking to the little house and lost her elegant beads, we need to help her make new ones - we lay them out with pebbles.

The bunny on his way to the tower cannot cross the river; he needs to build a bridge. It can be folded from counting sticks or molded and laid out into logs from plasticine.

The bunny brought vegetables and fruits in a knapsack. It is necessary to divide it between him and the frog. The bunny gets vegetables, the frog gets fruits.

Who's the odd one out? - This task is best completed after the theater. Remember which hero was not in the fairy tale.

Find the outline of the fairy tale hero.

Help the frog get to the tower - lead him along the path.

The applique of the mansion is an excellent decoration for a fairy tale. Cut out character figures from a magazine or make one, remember your favorite fairy tale and put on a real performance. Let the child develop fine motor skills, speech, thinking, memory, imagination.

For the craft, prepare:

colored paper; a sheet of colored cardboard for the base (in this case, cardboard packaging from cardboard came in handy); simple pencil, scissors, glue.

Creating an application


. Get started by preparing the necessary parts. Their sizes may vary. Depending on this, the fungus will be taller or lower, thicker or slimmer.

  • Cut out an oval mushroom stem from brown paper.
  • Red color is useful for a semicircle hat.
  • Cut out round and rectangular windows, don’t forget about the doors. For all this, use blue, yellow and orange paper.
  • To bring the picture to life, cut out grass and a leaf from green paper, and the wings and body of a butterfly from purple and yellow paper.


. Don't rush to stick it on. Take a closer look. You may want to correct something, add details or remove elements that you think are unnecessary. And only at the last moment use glue.

Thematic lesson “Teremok” 2

This lesson is a continuation of our lesson “Teremok”. It can be carried out with children from 1 year old. At the beginning of the lesson we played “Wonderful Bag” - Danya looked for the fairy tale characters I named by touch. This wonderful game develops fine motor skills, imagination and memory. Each time the child, with a sinking feeling, took an object out of the bag, rejoiced at the find and looked at it in surprise. With children from one year old you can play the game “Yes-no”. Show your child different fairy tale characters and ask them to answer yes or no questions correctly while looking at them. For example, show a frog and ask: “Is that a frog?” - "Yes". Show the bear and ask: “Is this a wolf? - "No". Next we stage a fairy tale; if the child is big, then the leading role belongs to him. If this is a child of 1-2 years old, we try to encourage him to tell a fairy tale, finish the words, and repeat onomatopoeia. Then Danya and I completed tasks from different fairy tale characters:

  • The mouse asked Danila to find 10 lima beans in the peas.
  • The frog asked to bring them to the apples - the child, stepping over the cubes, carries ping-pong balls in a spoon.
  • Bunny - plant a garden. I covered a candy box with brown paper and cut holes, Danya put cardboard carrots.
  • Lisa asked me to make beautiful beads for her.
  • Wolf - bring wood to heat the stove. We carried wooden planks (left over from renovation) along the massage path.
  • Bear - help build a new tower. Dienesh blocks.

Then we played a role-playing game - all the animals (from the wonderful bag) sat down to drink tea. We made a table and chairs from the construction set, watered and fed the animals. We moved around a little - developing gross motor skills - we jumped like a bunny, walked like a bear, jumped like a frog. And Danya made an applique “Teremok”.

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