Forms of work of the sports children's and parent club "Healthy Family" in kindergarten.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the closed administrative town of Severomorsk "Kindergarten No. 50"

04/10/2012, Murmansk, MOIMPKRO

Seminar Modern health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions in the context of the introduction of Federal state requirements

Interaction between preschool educational institutions and families in the educational areas of “Health” and “Physical Education” as part of the work of the parent club

Author of the report: physical education instructor, M. I. Lavrentieva.

Modern conditions of activity of preschool institutions put interaction with the family at one of the leading places. According to experts, communication between teachers and parents should be based on the principles of openness, mutual understanding and trust (E.P. Arnautova, O.L. Zvereva, V.P. Dubrova, etc.). Parents are the main social customers of preschool educational institutions, so interaction between teachers and them is simply impossible without taking into account the interests and requests of the family. It is for this reason that many preschool institutions, including ours, today are focused on finding forms and methods of work that allow them to take into account the current needs of parents and contribute to the formation of an active parental position. Our kindergarten is a new building. Most of the kindergarten employees are young, inexperienced teachers, but they understand well that the key to success in the educational process is building partnerships with the families of students. Modern parents have a hard time due to lack of time, employment, and lack of competence in matters of preschool pedagogy and psychology. The closest people to a preschooler and the problems of his upbringing are preschool teachers who are interested in creating favorable conditions for the development of each child and increasing the degree of parental participation in the upbringing of their children. The full upbringing of a preschooler occurs under the simultaneous influence of the family and the preschool institution. The dialogue between the kindergarten and the family is built, as a rule, on the basis of the teacher’s demonstration of the child’s achievements, his positive qualities, abilities, etc. In such a positive role, the teacher is accepted as an equal partner in education. Working with families is a difficult task, both organizationally and psychologically-pedagogically. The development of such interaction involves several stages. The first stage is demonstrating to parents a positive image of the child, thanks to which a friendly relationship with an attitude of cooperation develops between parents and educators. The significance of this stage is determined by the fact that parents often fix their attention only on the negative manifestations of the child’s development and behavior. At the second stage, parents are given practical knowledge of the psychological and pedagogical features of raising a child. In this case, various forms and methods are used. These could be general parent meetings, group thematic exhibitions of children's works, competitive programs, projects, etc. The third stage involves familiarizing the teacher with family problems in raising a child. Here the activity of parents is manifested, who can not only share their family experience of upbringing, talk about the individual manifestations of the child, but also ask for advice from educators on problems that interest them. When developing the content of the parent club, we relied on the following principles:

  • voluntariness
  • competence
  • modernity
  • unity of system and consistency
  • continuity and individual approach to each child and each family.

At the beginning of the school year, we conducted a survey that helped us determine the main goal of working with parents to create a unified educational and health space “kindergarten - family” - comprehensive psychological, pedagogical, sanitary, hygienic and cultural education of parents of children attending preschool educational institutions. When conducting a survey to identify the most acceptable and effective forms of work, we found that the most popular are joint events with the participation of children and parents, they are preferred by 90% of parents. But the survey helped me, as a physical education instructor, to identify such a problem as parents’ disinterest in organizing their children’s physical activity. Upon further study of this problem, it became clear that this is due to:

  • lack of awareness of parents about the importance of joint physical activity with children;
  • insufficient knowledge of parents about the physical skills and abilities of children of this age;
  • reluctance of parents to organize motor activities with children;
  • parents' inattention to a healthy lifestyle in the family.

goal was set : to increase the pedagogical competence and desire of parents to use physical activity with children to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle through this form of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family in matters of physical education of preschoolers as a parent club. the tasks of my work as a physical education instructor were determined

  • To give parents an idea of ​​the importance of joint physical activity with children.
  • Expand parents' knowledge about children's physical abilities and skills.
  • To promote the creation of an active position of parents in joint motor activities with children.
  • Get parents interested in the idea of ​​leading a healthy lifestyle in the family.

The Regulations on the work of the parent club “Aistenok” were developed, which indicate the goals and objectives, legal and methodological documents, forms of psychological and pedagogical work of the parent club “Aistenok”, and a long-term plan for the work of the club was developed. The functioning of the Club is carried out by MBDOU specialists: deputy heads, educational psychologist, nurse, physical education instructor, music director, speech pathologist teacher, speech therapist teacher, and institution educators. The Club’s specialists plan and record its activities, taking into account individual and group requests from parents of students at MBDOU d/s No. 50, as well as in accordance with modern methodological requirements.

Forms of psychological and pedagogical work of the parent club “Stork” Variable:

  • subgroup activities for differentiated groups of parents in accordance with requests;
  • ind. working with parents and their children to identify, prevent and correct various deviations;
  • joint parent-child meetings in various forms: classes, play exercises, leisure and sports activities.


  • group events for all parents: seminars, business games, quizzes, trainings, consultations.

Thus, the establishment of a trusting relationship with parents smoothly leads to joint exploration and the formation of a harmoniously developed child’s personality. In this process, the professional competence of preschool teachers plays an important role, which implies not only a body of knowledge and experience, but also personal qualities. The duty of parents is to strengthen the child’s health at the moment and ensure the favorable development of the child’s body in the future, and the parents’ club is one of the most acceptable forms of preschool education that helps solve this difficult problem.

Annex 1

Long-term work plan for the parent club "Aistenok"

Month Events Responsible
January — Acquaintance with the Regulations on the work of the parent club “Stork” — Consultation with a physical education instructor “Physical training and health work in preschool educational institutions” — Discussion about Happiness. Deputy head Mudrik O.V. Physical education instructor M.I. Lavrentieva
February Consultation “Attention deficit disorder. Hyperactivity." Consultation “How to choose a sport that suits your child’s temperament.” Deputy head Mudrik O.V. Teacher-psychologist Lekhkun N.A. Physical education instructor M.I. Lavrentieva
March Seminar with training elements “How to become good parents?” Deputy head Mudrik O.V., teacher Lutsak N.A.
April Seminar "Children's provocations, or how to set prohibitions." Quiz “About health and sports seriously and not so…” Deputy head Mudrik O.V. Playback Lebedeva E.B. Physical education instructor M.I. Lavrentieva
May Seminar with elements of the game “Mind at your fingertips: development of fine motor skills.” Consultation “Outdoor games for children in the summer” Deputy head according to UVR Mudrik O.V. Teacher-defectologist Muratova Yu.A. Physical education instructor M.I. Lavrentieva

Appendix 2

Questionnaire Dear parents, we ask you to answer our questions:

  • Please remember what outdoor and sports games you played as a child, do you remember their rules? ______________________________________________________________
  • What active and sports games does your child like to play? Does he often break the rules? ______________________________________________________________
  • Do you watch sports programs with him? Which ones? ______________________________________________________________
  • How often do you and your child visit the playground or gym? _____________________________________________________________________
  • Do you help your child recognize even the smallest sporting achievements? How? ______________________________________________________________
  • How often do you ventilate your child's room? ______________________________________________________________
  • Does your family have a home “stadium” or sports corner? ______________________________________________________________
  • Do you go hiking with your child or family? How often? _______________________________________________________________
  • What is your opinion: is hardening necessary to strengthen the body or is it not necessary? _______________________________________________________________
  • Do you pay attention to your child's posture? Can you determine its correct position? _______________________________________________________________
  • What parameters did you use to select a sports uniform for your child: comfortable, practical, beautiful? _______________________________________________________________
  • Do you reward your child for his successes and how? _______________________________________________________________

Appendix 3 Consultation for parents

Dear parents! “What should nutrition be like for a small athlete?”

one of the most frequently asked questions. Come on, let's try to answer it together. The indisputable truth is that the nutrition of children and adolescents should be complete and balanced, i.e. contain the required amount of vitamins, minerals and proteins. This is especially true for those children who regularly play sports.

In order to achieve good results in sports, and at the same time not harm the health of young athletes, it is necessary to monitor the diet and composition of the child’s diet. In addition, children should be taught to maintain the necessary balance of fluid in the body: drink 1.5–2 glasses of water an hour or an hour and a half before training, and after training, you need to drink 2 glasses of water for every 0.5 kg of weight lost.

For young athletes, there are special nutritional supplements and vitamins created taking into account the age-related physiological characteristics of children, since training requires effort and energy. Before using them, you should consult your pediatrician.

Often training takes place far from home, and the child has to have a snack somewhere on the road. Make sure that your child does not have to buy a pie with a dubious filling; prepare him a low-fat sandwich, yogurt or a bottle of kefir, some fruit or a box of juice.

And then your child will delight you with his victories!

Physical education instructor MBDOU d\s No. 50 Lavrentieva M.I.

Dear parents! Which sport is right for my child?

you ask.

And is it important to take into account natural inclinations, the so-called temperament, when choosing a sports section for a child?

For a growing body, sports activities (within reasonable limits!) are useful, especially if the sport is selected taking into account the physical and mental characteristics of the young athlete, in particular, the type of his temperament. From the point of view of science, temperament is an innate combination of certain emotional reactions, the state of the nervous system, the human psyche, and its ability to react to certain events.

In childhood, temperament is just developing, and it is not always possible to clearly notice in a child traits that are clearly expressed in an adult. You can determine the type of temperament of a baby by the characteristics of his behavior, facial expressions, reaction speed and general level of activity. It is not customary to talk about any weaknesses or strengths of temperament. There are no “good” or “bad” temperament types, but each has its own characteristics. And our task is not to try to change the temperament, but to develop the positive qualities of the child’s character, mitigating the shortcomings that have begun to appear in his behavior.

So, your baby is an active sanguine person:

The baby’s movements and facial expressions are lively, varied, he is emotional and impressionable. He quickly accepts the conditions of the game, gets involved in the situation and just as quickly “turns off”. It’s easy to determine his mood and attitude towards the world from his face. He has a high efficiency, can concentrate quickly, and easily masters new skills. The rate of speech is usually high. The child is sociable, he has many friends, he can come up with a game for everyone, he easily gets used to new conditions and requirements, therefore, as a rule, he enjoys visiting kindergarten.

Advice to parents. The emotional experiences of a sanguine child are often superficial, and he is sometimes insensitive to the emotions of others. High mobility prevents him from concentrating on a specific task; he is often in a hurry and is disorganized. Planning and setting specific goals, dividing a large task into several small ones, the solution of which requires perseverance and concentration, will help to cope with this disadvantage. If there are no new activities, the child quickly becomes bored. Praise and active involvement in the game are the key to the success of the little sanguine child!

Interest in sports . Sanguine children can master any sport. But the child’s choice usually remains with those sports activities in which he can clearly demonstrate his individuality and personal qualities. Good for a sanguine person are steeplechase, decathlon, karate and other types of wrestling, chess, team games: football, hockey.

Energetic choleric:

Like the sanguine person, this active child acts energetically. His movements are sharp and swift. Emotions and experiences are strong, pronounced, impulsive. He is often unrestrained, impatient, and quick-tempered. The mood changes often! Loves communication, but conflicts with peers are possible. The stability of interests and aspirations is high, he persistently achieves his goal, sometimes it is even difficult to switch his attention from one type of activity to another.

Advice to parents . Consider your child's emotional instability and temper. He is capable of losing control of himself if he is offended. When communicating with him, harshness and lack of restraint are unacceptable: they will most likely cause a negative response. It is better to evaluate each of his actions immediately, and remember that fairness of evaluation is very important for a child. Develop his creative abilities, praise him for finding solutions on his own. Interest in sports. A choleric person is often an enthusiastic fan, loves competitions, and enjoys active and team sports. When participating in competitions, he will be one of the most active, he will want to become a team captain or leader, but at the same time, he may often not take into account other players (manifestations of anger and envy are possible). It is important for him to be the best of the best! Cholerics also have a penchant for fairly aggressive sports that provide a natural release of accumulated energy: boxing, wrestling, etc. Such sports activities are especially useful for them, as they provide psychological release to negative emotions, and in socially acceptable forms. Swimming is also a good way to relieve emotional stress.

Stubborn phlegmatic:

The baby's general activity level is reduced, it is difficult for him to switch from one activity to another, and he is slow in everything: in movements, facial expressions, and speech. He has smooth, deep and stable feelings and moods. Phlegmatic people are hard workers.

Advice to parents. Teach your child to freely express emotions, show him how to do it, talk to him about feelings. Be careful and listen to him. Be sure to emphasize that there are different ways to solve the same problem. It is important not to rush him while completing a task; you cannot quickly switch from one activity to another.

Interest in sports . A phlegmatic child is close to intellectual sports, where you need to carefully think through every move, calculate the accuracy of a strike, and build a multi-move algorithm. A phlegmatic person is capable of being stubborn and overstraining himself, unable to stop in time. This could lead to him leaving the sport. Phlegmatic people can be recommended long-distance running, biathlon, skiing, speed skating, lifting weights, chess, checkers, billiards.

The thinker is melancholic:

The baby is inactive: facial expressions and movements are inexpressive, the voice is quiet. His feelings are stable and deep, but less expressed than those of other children. Overly touchy: a minor reason can cause tears. Unsure of himself, timid, avoids difficulties. Likes to be alone. Low energy, gets tired quickly. Easily distracted, slow reactions, slow pace of mental processes.

Advice to parents . The natural vulnerability of the baby should be taken into account. Under constant pressure, he can grow into a person with low self-esteem, an eternal loser, withdrawn, alienated. Harshness is unacceptable towards a melancholic child. When communicating with him, adults should not raise their voices or use irony - he may withdraw into himself. He needs constant encouragement and support for all endeavors, praise, especially when he shows determination and will.

Interest in sports. Melancholic people watch with interest the progress of major competitions, but they themselves rarely engage in active sports. They make excellent yachtsmen - they feel good alone with the sea. Melancholic people have sober calculation and accuracy - they are able to engage in sports such as shooting, high jumping, discus or javelin throwing. Success in sports dancing and figure skating is possible. Dance for them is an opportunity to learn to freely express feelings. They get along well with animals, so they successfully ride horses. Melancholic people may start exercising, but quickly lose interest in them, mainly due to low activity and increased fatigue.

Sports where high reaction speed is important are absolutely contraindicated for children of this type of temperament: tennis, football, fencing, etc. Sport, as a good educator, should develop the data inherent in nature, and not break it.

You don’t need to set a goal - to raise an Olympic champion, just rejoice with your child at his small achievements, praise him, and then the classes will bring great pleasure to both you and your child.

It is best to start classes at home, and then the child will already have certain ideas about safety, and his general physical condition will allow him to easily engage in any kind of sport, without causing the child discomfort from an overwhelming load.

The consultation was prepared by M.I. Lavrentyeva, an instructor in physical education at MBDOU d/s No. 50 in Severomorsk.

Appendix 5

Forms of work of an instructor in FC MBDOU d\s No. 50 Lavrentieva M.I. with the family: The goal is to replenish parents with special pedagogical knowledge on introducing children of senior preschool age to physical education, sports and a healthy lifestyle.

Information block Consultation block Block of inclusion of parents in the pedagogical process
  • Information stand for parents of MBDOU "Olympiad":
  • Thematic consultations on introducing children to physical education, sports and a healthy lifestyle.
  • Recommendations for assigning a child to sports sections, taking into account interest, age characteristics and health status.
  • Folders are moves for the parent corner in groups.
  • Open Day
  • Speech at parent meetings:
  • Familiarization of parents with the forms of physical education and health work in preschool educational institutions.
  • Introducing parents to the program for introducing preschool children to sports through Olympic education “Journey to Olympia.”
  • Consultations at the Stork club on sports and health topics.
  • Individual consultations.
  • Questioning.
  • Workshops:
  • teaching elements of sports games.
  • training in various health promotion techniques.
  • training parents in techniques and exercises for working with children at home (home stadium).
  • Joint physical education, health and sports activities of parents with children in physical education classes and club classes, leisure and holidays, quizzes on sports topics, assistance in conducting excursions and making sports paraphernalia.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Purpose of the club: Interaction with parents in the process of improving the psychophysical health of younger preschool children. Tasks:
  • To help parents and children gain a holistic sensory experience of partnership, trusting interaction with each other, in joint motor and play activities.
  • Emotional interaction between parents and children aimed at improving the psychophysical health of preschoolers.
  • Provide parents with the opportunity to communicate with each other and share experiences on child health issues.
  • Increasing the level of parental competence in matters of improving the health of younger preschoolers.
  • Activating the creative potential of parents.
  • Encouraging parents to follow the daily routine and nutrition of kindergarten at home.
  • Replenishment of the subject-development environment of the physical education center.
  • Strengthening the health of preschool children.

To promote the development and improvement of the functional systems of the body, motor skills and qualities, mental processes, reflection, empathy and personality traits of club participants. When a child arrives at a nursery, a new stage in his life begins. He is in a new environment in which he feels uncomfortable, which affects his mood and behavior. During the first time the baby is in the nursery, the behavioral reaction is complicated, sleep, nutrition, and communication are disrupted (the child has poor contact with adults and peers), which ultimately negatively affects his health. Therefore, the importance of carrying out hardening procedures with children in their third year of life cannot be underestimated. Timely implementation of health-improving measures using gentle, predominantly non-drug technologies is an absolutely necessary action. The work should be based on an individual and integrated approach. Here, too, one should not strive to carry out special hardening procedures. It is important to remember their regularity and game form. So, for example, when washing, you should use nursery rhymes when walking in the fresh air - outdoor games. One of the forms of hardening is finger gymnastics, which has a beneficial effect on coordination of movements, promotes the development of fine motor skills of the hands and their strength. The game form of this type of hardening will not only entertain children, but will also contribute to the formation of their ideas about the world around them. Physical activity has an irreplaceable effect on improving health: morning exercises, physical education classes, outdoor games. Young children show a great interest in movement. Each new movement is a mystery for the child, which he certainly wants to solve, that is, to do it. The exploratory reflex in the area of ​​movements manifests itself with particular strength in young children. Physical education and health work is planned in accordance with the level of development of motor skills of children of this age group. Principles of participation in the club:

  • participate in the work of the club on a voluntary basis;
  • take into account the wishes and suggestions of club members;
  • build communication on the basis of mutual understanding, mutual respect, tolerance;
  • step-by-step work system
  • It is reasonable to hold meetings once a month,
  • All members of the student’s family can become members of the club.

Club meetings can take place in different rooms of the kindergarten: group, sports and music halls. The work plan is drawn up for one year with possible further changes. Educational work should be planned and carried out weekly. The participants of our family club were children and parents of the primary preschool age group (photo - bridge), group teachers, a medical worker, a teacher-psychologist, and a physical education instructor. Within the framework of the family club, kindergarten specialists: a medical worker, a teacher-psychologist, a physical education instructor organized consultations with parents, teachers, together with specialists, published family newspapers on issues related to the health of children, and involved parents in organizing a subject-development environment for children. The club used such forms of work as: awakening gymnastics, finger games, hardening procedures, walks in the fresh air, morning exercises, consultations and paired physical education and play sessions with parents and children. During the year, we added such forms as: acupressure, weekly physical education circle classes with children, and aromatherapy. The formation of children's interests is significantly influenced by the parents' attitude to physical education, to the children's passion for outdoor games and exercises. As part of the project, it is planned to consult parents on this issue and involve parents in participating in pair-play activities. (photo - on the hill) The basis for these classes was the psychological and pedagogical technology of interaction between parents and children in physical education classes “Meeting each other” by the author and compiler M. N. Popova. Its conceptual basis is the ideas of cooperation pedagogy, humanistic psychology, and the basic provisions of a personality-oriented model of interaction. A pair lesson has its own structure: a ritual of meeting children (the ritual is that the parents of the students meet the children in the hall where the lesson will be held, physical touching of children and parents, i.e. hugs, is mandatory) (photo - we are together) general developmental exercises (parents and children did a warm-up together with music) paired exercises (symbolic-schematic cards were used when showing the exercises) (caught the ball, boat, boat 2) outdoor games and a mandatory part of the lesson was reflection (parents could pass a soft toy and continue sentences - Today I..., or they were asked to express their attitude through some kind of physical exercise). The work of the family club showed mutual interest on the part of parents in joint motor and play activities. The desire of parents and children to transfer the motor experience gained in physical education classes to home conditions was revealed, as parents showed interest and emotional involvement. Thus, the “Healthy” family club helps kindergarten employees emotionally bring parents and children closer together (topotushki), and influence the improvement of the health of preschoolers and the personal development of children.


Event Expected Result Responsible
September Approval of the work plan for the academic year Involving parents in planning the educational process Educators
Parent survey (1.25) Editing the family club's work plan for the academic year. Educators
Consultation on “Compliance with the daily routine of kindergarten” Maintaining a daily routine at home Educators
October Folder – movement “Toughening up babies at home” Expanding the stock of knowledge Nurse
Physical education pairs-game lesson Gained experience in partnerships. Educators
Design of a physical education center Replenishment of the subject-development environment Parental committee
November Photo exhibition “Together with my mother I’m not lazy, I’ll do physical education” Involving parents to participate in the “Healthy” family club Educators
Physical education pairs-game lesson Gained experience in partnerships. Educators
Consultation “Child nutrition in the family” Maintaining a family diet
Information basket - B.V. Shevrygin “If the baby is often sick” Increasing parental competence in matters of children's health Educator
Family newspaper “We are tempering ourselves at home” Sharing parents' experiences Parents
December Game library “Pair exercises” Involving parents in doing exercises at home. Educator
Family newspaper "First aid in case of accidents" Honey. sister
Physical education pairs-game lesson Gained experience in partnerships. Educators
Creative group “Production of sports attributes” The subject-development environment of the physical education center has been replenished Teachers, parents
January Seminar-workshop “About health seriously” (p. 24, N.M. Metenova – PARENTAL MEETINGS IN KINDERGARTEN: 2nd junior group)


  • ØResults of the parent survey
  • ØMessage “hardening – what is it”


  • Ø demonstration of wiping a child with a terry mitten (can be done on a doll)
  • ØSelf-massage of biologically active points
Promoting children's health at home Educators, parents - medical workers
Physical education pairs-game lesson The experience of partner interaction has been expanded. Educators
Family newspaper “I am tempering the baby” Sharing family experience Parents
February Creation of a family album “Health is the head of everything” Replenishment of the subject-development environment of the physical education center. Teachers, parents, physical instructor. education
Physical education pairs-game lesson The experience of partnership interaction has been enriched. Educators
Family newspaper "Winter Holiday" Sharing family experience Parents
March Family newspaper "Be Healthy Baby" Sharing parents' experiences Parents
Physical education pairs-game lesson New experience of partnership interaction was acquired. Educators
Creation of a “pharmacy on the windowsill” of indoor medicinal plants with annotations and methods of using them at home for health improvement Replenishment of the ecological zone Parents
April Family physical education holiday “Dad, Mom, I – a sports family” - dedicated to Health Day Increased experience of play activities with a child Physical education instructor
Physical education pairs-game lesson The experience of partnership interaction has been systematized. Educators
Parent meeting


  • ØClub work report
  • ØExhibition of family newspapers
  • ØProspects for the club's work
Presentation of the club's experience Educators
Family newspaper "Don't be sick" Sharing parents' experiences Parents
May Folder – moving: “Sun, air and water are our best friends” Satisfying children's need for outdoor activities Nurse
Physical education pairs-game lesson Gained experience in partnerships. Educators
Family newspaper “Recipes for healing and vitamin teas” The experience of family health improvement for preschool children is widespread Parents


  1. “To meet each other” by the author, compiled by M. N. Popova.
  1. N.M. Metenov “Parent meetings in kindergarten. 2nd junior group"

Chusovlyankina Ekaterina Timofeevna teacher of the 1st qualification category

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