Modern priorities for the development of preschool educational institutions

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Prospects and problems of development of preschool education in modern Russia.

The system of modern preschool education is very relevant and important. In preschool age, all the basic personality traits are formed in a child, and the quality of his further physical and mental development is determined. Currently, there are also problems of modern education. If you do not pay due attention to the developmental characteristics of a child at this age, this may adversely affect his future life.

Preschool education is an important stage in a child’s development. After all, in preschool age a child develops all the basic personality traits, and the quality of his mental and physical development is determined.

If you do not pay attention to the developmental features of a preschooler, this may adversely affect his future life.

There are problems in modern preschool education. One of the problems is communication of a preschooler. Everyone knows that full communication is impossible without communication skills that need to be developed during childhood. The most important thing is to teach a child to hear and listen, the ability to make contact, the ability to understand speech, and the ability to express their thoughts.

Over ten years, preschool education has gone through a difficult path, which has significantly expanded the range of responsibilities of preschool educational institutions, which are aimed primarily at providing quality educational services. Preschool education in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard is prescribed as the level of general education at which the foundations of a social personality are laid in the education system as a whole.

The Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education establishes a number of requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of preschool education, primarily for psychological, pedagogical and personnel requirements. The key factor in the successful implementation of this Standard is still the teacher.

Since modern preschool education is inextricably linked with the staffing level of preschool educational institutions, we recall the slogan of the 30s of the 20th century “Personnel decide everything!” - it is more relevant now than ever.

After all, practicing teachers will have to make a transition from the traditional educational process to an activity-based one.

The main goal of working with teachers is to increase their professional competence and effective methodological support in the context of the introduction and subsequent implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.

To accomplish this task, the manager needs to improve personnel policies and carry out a set of measures to optimize the quality of education.

Today, managing does not mean giving directive instructions. It is necessary to change the strategy and attitude towards human resources, provide support to employees by inviting specialists to provide psychological prevention of emotional burnout, conduct business games, as well as scientific and methodological education (at specially organized discussion clubs, round tables, workshops), etc.

It is necessary to introduce modern trends into education, and not be afraid to use so-called corporate events, for example, going to the theater together, going to a bowling alley, taking part in competitive sports games, etc.

Create schools for young teachers for the successful adaptation and retention of young staff not only within the institution, but also at the district level.

It is necessary to revive the tradition of mentoring in order to form a core personnel in preschool educational institutions.

Recently, in our kindergarten, teachers have been provided with consultations and pedagogical advice aimed at improving the quality of education. The main issue in modern conditions is the effectiveness of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Educational standards are mandatory requirements, which poses certain tasks for institutions aimed at ensuring conditions for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

To be ready to work according to the Federal State Educational Standard, it is necessary to carry out a whole range of activities:

Bring regulatory documents into compliance.

To analyze the optimal distribution of human resources within a preschool educational institution, to assess the readiness of the preschool educational institution for the new requirements of the modern education system.

A teacher needs to engage in self-development, this is one of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards.

Preschool education has changed qualitatively over the past few years; most teachers have mastered innovative programs over the past few years.

In order to form and develop teachers' skills in innovative and exploratory and experimental work, seminars, round tables, workshops, and master classes are regularly organized.

Teachers actively take part in professional competitions and city events.

An important role in our kindergarten in developing the initiative of teaching staff is assigned to the leader, as an interested party in improving the quality of education of his institution.

I would like to dwell in more detail on the development and participation of parents (legal representatives) of direct inclusion in educational activities.

Parents are now much more demanding, and we must not lag behind modern reality. Today we need to follow the development of society and information, try to be ahead, ahead of many processes, and be able to direct the active potential of parents in the right direction in a timely manner.

Working with the family is perhaps the most important aspect of organizing the educational process. In modern kindergarten conditions, it is impossible to do without support and mutual understanding.

One of the features of managing a modern kindergarten is that the head of a preschool educational institution is simply forced to involve various social institutions in solving the problems of the institution: parents, the public, otherwise he will not cope with the number of tasks in organizing the functioning of a modern educational institution

But we cannot look at the issue of working with parents one-sidedly, since in addition to improving material and technical conditions, parents are the first teachers for their children, and in this we see a partnership between the preschool educational institution and the family.

Thus, preparing a preschool educational institution for the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education entails significant changes in the educational practice of the kindergarten.

This process is an integral part of the modernization of education, which is currently a political and national task of Russian educational policy, aimed at ensuring the modern quality of education based on maintaining its fundamentality and compliance with the current and future needs of the individual, society and the state.

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