Fairy tales for preschoolers and first-graders In addition to the educational effect, a fairy tale develops the emotional sphere of the child, immersing
content .. 1 2 3 9 .. Education for work activity in the first junior group
Speech development: goal, objectives, typical mistakes in children’s speech development and overcoming them. Write
The topic of a child’s adaptation to kindergarten does not lose its relevance. Many parents are faced with
Visually and in a playful way, demonstrate to children the eternal harmony of the smooth transition of the seasons.
Features of the work of a preschooler: how, why and why? In preschool education, one of the main
1.What is a healthy lifestyle? A healthy lifestyle is a healthy lifestyle. Nowadays it is very popular to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Communication skills are the basis that helps a child find friends, make acquaintances and realize
Physical education lessons in verse for preschoolers. Card file Card file of physical education minutes for consolidating spatial orientation in preschoolers
Sports entertainment for Health Day in the middle group of kindergarten Sports entertainment “Away”