Pedagogical project on environmental education of preschool children “Ecological path”

Goals and objectives of environmental projects in preschool educational institutions

Project activities activate the cognitive and creative development of preschool children and form personal qualities. The goal of environmental education is the development of personality through the continuous accumulation of experience in communicating with the natural environment. The pupil independently accumulates experience and receives direction for further intellectual and social development.

Scientific conference as part of project activities

The teacher sets himself the task of forming:

  • skills of search-cognitive, research activities;
  • caring attitude towards the world.

The environmental project in the preparatory group differs in goals and forms of work.

Project protection

Pupils aged 6–7 years have research experience and basic knowledge about the environment. More advanced ones can choose problems for projects on their own.

Project “Environmental education of children of senior preschool age”

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 7 General developmental type"

Project “Environmental education of children of senior preschool age”

Author of the project:

teacher Kachkina Elena Evgenievna

Zheleznogorsk 2017

We want the earth to bloom, And babies to grow like flowers, So that for them ecology becomes Not a science, but a part of the soul!


Environmental education for preschool children is not just a tribute to a “fashionable” trend in pedagogy. This is the education in children of the ability to understand and love the world around them and treat it with care. By introducing children to nature, opportunities open up for aesthetic, patriotic, and moral education. Communication with nature enriches a person’s spiritual sphere and contributes to the formation of positive qualities.

The tense ecological situation throughout the globe requires that education at all levels formulate in students an understanding of the world around them as an environment that, while providing a variety of living beings with various conditions for fruitful activity, is also an environment with obvious limits of resources and capabilities.

Currently, the requirements of environmental education and culture are becoming integral qualities of the general culture of the individual. More and more attention is being paid to environmental education, the formation of environmental consciousness and environmental culture.

The “Concept of Preschool Education” states that in preschool age a positive attitude towards nature, towards oneself and the people around them is laid. In implementing this task, teachers must focus on the educational potential of the environment. The foundations of ecological culture can only be laid in the process of communication with nature and pedagogically well-organized activities. It is important that in the process of environmental education, the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities is not an end in itself, but contributes to the formation of the foundations of environmental culture and behavior that allows, without hostility, to be patient with the opinions of others. The child's ecological consciousness gradually rises to a higher level if interest is created. orientation towards the perception of nature, activities touch the child’s feelings and evoke empathy.

It is important that the child can evaluate human behavior in nature, express his judgment, opinion, and also understand and accept the position of another. It must be remembered that children’s often careless and sometimes cruel attitude towards nature is explained by their lack of the necessary knowledge.

Children who feel nature: the breath of plants, the aromas of flowers, the rustling of grass, the singing of birds, will no longer be able to destroy this beauty. On the contrary, they have a need to help these creatures live, to love them, to communicate with them. From birth, a child is a discoverer, an explorer of the world that surrounds him. And especially a preschool child.

A Chinese proverb says: “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me try and I will understand.” This is how a child learns everything firmly and for a long time when he hears, sees and does it himself. Therefore, design and research activities have taken their place in the system of work in kindergarten, because every child is a little researcher who discovers the world around him with joy and surprise. The child strives for active activity; it is important not to let this desire fade away and to promote his further development. The more complete and varied a child’s activities are, the more successful the child’s development is, and the first creative manifestations are realized.


There is a problem of developing children's environmental awareness.


: Solve the problems of environmental education of children through joint

activities of children, teachers and parents.


: contribute to the systematization of children’s ideas about the diversity of the surrounding nature; the formation of an emotionally positive attitude and cognitive interest in various objects and natural phenomena; the manifestation of joy, admiration and surprise from contact with the beauty of nature; promote understanding of the role of man in nature, perception of him as a part of nature; development of the ability and desire to reflect impressions of communication with nature in artistic and creative activities

An object:

children of senior preschool age.

Subject of study

: environmental education of children of senior preschool age.

Project type

: design and research.

By the nature of contacts

: children, teachers, parents of preschool educational institutions.

By number of participants

: group.

By duration

: short term.

Expected results:

children's knowledge about planet Earth and its natural resources.

Plan-model of an environmental week in groups of senior preschool age


raising children's environmental awareness.


1. To form in children ideas about the surrounding world of living and inanimate nature

2. Create conditions for active cognitive, experimental, artistic and productive activities of children.

3. Develop cognitive activity.

4. Foster a careful, caring attitude towards objects of living and inanimate nature.

Monday (04/20/2015)

"Sunny day"


in the kindergarten area for the phenomena of inanimate nature: the sun and the sky, their influence on natural objects and people. Use of artistic words.


poems, calls about the sun.

Game tasks and exercises

“How the sun helped spring”

Didactic games

: “What is round”, “Complete the circle”, “Color the sun”.

Drawing up mnemonic tables and diagrams “Why do we need the sun.”

Games and observations

behind the sunbeam.

Circle games, round dances.

Working with parents:

Tuesday (04/21/2015)

"Spring Tale"


for the weather, for the changes in the spring that occur in the flower beds. Reinforce the signs of spring. Pay attention to changes in people's clothing in the spring, find out why these changes occurred.

Viewing landscapes

, illustrations about spring nature.

Social role-playing games

from the series “Family” (“To the dacha in the spring”, “In the village at grandma’s”, etc.)


“Spring in the forest, in the meadow, on the river...” with a look at the illustrations.

Composing stories

about the main signs of spring using descriptive diagrams and mnemonic tables.

Looking at the album

“People’s labor in nature in spring”, “First flowers”.

Fantasy game

“What did we see in the spring forest?”


educational and fiction literature about nature in spring.

Drawing competition

in the evening “Spring has come to us.”

Working with parents:

Wednesday (04/22/2015)

"Happy birthday, Earth!"

Ecological entertainment “Earth Festival”.


“Nature is our home”, “Planet earth is in danger”, “How people relate to nature”, “How people protect nature”, “How to protect nature”

Environmental situations for children:

– What would happen on Earth without water?

– What is needed to keep the air clean?

– Why is the forest dying?

– What can you do to preserve and enhance nature? Etc.

Getting to know the signs

“Rules of conduct in nature.” Create and draw your own environmental and prohibition signs.

Drawing up memos

on environmental protection

for trees, shrubs and other vegetation.

Cognitive activities

: “The earth is our home”, “The earth is the nurse”, “What grows in the garden?” and etc.


educational literature, memorizing poems, proverbs, riddles about the Earth and nature.


“What do we know about nature”, “All about animals”, etc.

Writing environmental fairy tales

“Let's help nature”, etc.

Research activities

to study the properties of earth and sand, clay in order to become familiar with their properties.
Didactic games
“Who lives where?”, “Do’s and don’ts” (rules of behavior in nature and living objects).

Exhibition of drawings

"Planet Earth through the eyes of children."

Drawing on the sand

according to the children's idea on the theme “How beautiful this world is...”

Musical sketch

“My land is beautiful!” (round dance for children and adults)

Looking at illustrations

about the native land, landscapes of artists.

Labor in nature

: cleaning the territory of the group plot, flower garden.

Working with parents:

Thursday (04/23/2015)

"In the animal world "


for the birds of the kindergarten.

Didactic games and classification exercises

: “Bird, fish, beast”, “Animals of the forest”, “Birds”, “Whose tail?”, “Who eats what?”, “Who lives where?”, “Recognize and name the bird”, “Parts are the whole” "(consolidate knowledge of the body parts of a bird, animal", "The fourth odd one", "Who is hiding", etc.

Exercises to develop empathy

"Draw an animal"


educational and fiction literature (E. Charushin, V. Bianki, G. Snegirev, G. Skrebitsky), examination of illustrations and books.

Cognitive activities

in order to get acquainted with the life of individual

animals, including those that need to be protected.


“Do we know animals”, “Animals of our forests”, etc.
Consideration of the album
“Birds and animals of our land”.
Children's writing of stories about birds and animals using mnemonic tables.
Viewing and reading encyclopedias about animals and birds

Outdoor games
“Birds in the nests”, “By the bear in the forest”, “Wolf and hares”, “Homeless hare”, “Hares in the garden”, “Migration of birds”, “Kite and hen”, “Owl”, etc.
Social – role-playing games
“Zoo”, “Veterinary Hospital”.
Working with parents:
Lecture for parents

on the topic “Animals are our friends and helpers.”

Friday (04/24/2015)

"Green Surprise"

Work along the route
of the ecological path
- flower garden:

– Planting annuals.

– Note what changes have occurred in the life of plants in the spring.

– Examination of the soil, insects, appearance of plants.

Work along the route of
the ecological path
– flowering trees:

– Examination of leaves, bark, flowers of trees.

– Determination of height and thickness of trees.

- Gifts for trees...

Word games

“Gardener”, “What first, what then?” “Recognize the plant by description”, “What flowers are there.”

Didactic and board-printed games

: “Lay out an ecological path” (“Growth of seedlings, onions on a windowsill”, “History of a seed”, “Which tree is the leaf from”, “Find a match for a flower”, “Make a flower”, “Where does it grow”, “Collect a bouquet”, “ Flower shop".

a fairy tale
about your favorite flower and designing a homemade book.

for the best poem
about a spring flower (homework).


“Flowers in a flowerbed” (applique, origami, drawing).

Breathing exercises

"Inhale the scents of flowers."

Imitation game

"Trees in different weather."

Social role-playing game

“Beauty salon” – natural cosmetics”, “Flower shop”.

or solution to the crossword puzzle
“Trees around us.”

Artistic and creative activities

"My favorite tree."


"Hug a tree."

Playing on a flannelgraph

"Parts are the whole tree."


about the benefits trees bring to the earth.

Game in a circle

“Name the flower” (garden, meadow, favorite, yellow or red).


fiction by J. Sand “What the Flowers Talk About”, etc.

Outdoor games

: “Gardener”, “Find your color”, “Such a flower run to me.”

Low mobility game

to develop empathic feelings “Draw a tree”, “What is our birch tree thinking about?”

Series of experiments

"Plants are living things."


"Ambulance for a wounded tree."

Game activity: game “Flower Lotto”; game “I was born a gardener.”

Listening to music

: P.I. Tchaikovsky “Waltz of the Flowers”

Labor in nature:

whiten the tree trunk, tell why it is being done, collect dry leaves, cut off old branches.
Working with parents:
Parents making boxes for growing seedlings.

Thus, let us once again confirm that environmental education of preschool children without education of the heart is impossible. And the way the child relates to the world around him will learn to be a loving, understanding master of nature, perceiving himself as part of the whole. Everything good in people comes from childhood!

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