A selection of outdoor games for the little ones To plan an activity, use a selection of outdoor games that
Article: “Summary of a lesson on the physical development of young children “Hedgehogs”” Lesson on physical development
Technologies of developmental education for preschoolers Olga Kamartdinova Technologies of developmental education for preschoolers TECHNOLOGIES OF DEVELOPMENTAL
Summary of joint activities with children of the preparatory group Topic: “Travel to Africa” Completed by: teacher of the first
Self-massage during physical education classes Massage of hands, fingers Purpose: to teach children to warm their hands independently
Group parent meetings in kindergarten Informational parent meetings in kindergarten Such meetings
Game 3. Grammar game “Mushroom basket. Count the mushrooms" In this speech game the child will learn
Mathematical development of preschoolers in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) Consultation on mathematics on the topic Mathematical development of preschoolers
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Psycho-gymnastic exercises for teachers Psycho-gymnastic exercises are aimed at achieving two main goals