Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment during the implementation of project activities
Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment of a preschool educational institution in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.
RPP environment in middle preschool age: Organization of life and education of children of the fifth year of life
'"Sound and letter A." Literacy lesson' width="540
“Sound A. Letter A.” outline of a literacy lesson (preparatory group)
"Sound and letter A." Literacy lesson Program content: - introduce sound
Summary of a lesson on mathematical development for children 3-4 years old. .
No matter how old you are now, adults associate the word “mathematics” with
Presentation on the topic “Game is the leading activity of a preschooler”
How to make a children's educational presentation yourself? Part 1 If you have studied so far
My hometown
Card index of didactic games “Here is my street, here is my home”
Progress of the game: The bear has a den. The squirrel has a hollow. “Which tree is the leaf from?” Purpose: to consolidate
Summary of a lesson for kindergarten in mathematics on the topic “Measuring length”
Summary of lessons on FEMP in kindergarten. Senior group. Length measurements Lesson notes on
Notes on drawing in the second junior group “Amanitas”
Notes on non-traditional drawing "On a mushroom meadow" in the junior group Lyudmila Pasikova Notes
Decorative drawing with writing elements “Such different umbrellas”
Origami “Umbrella” Origami is a complex art in general, but there are patterns that can be mastered
Summary of a lesson with children of the second junior group on the topic: “Visiting winter”
Open lesson “Winter-winter” for children of the second junior group (OO “Cognitive Development”) MBDOU “Children’s
Summary of an integrated lesson in the senior group “Journey to the Circus”
Objectives: Educational: consolidate children's knowledge about different emotions (joy, sadness, surprise); Educational: develop
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