Summary of the lesson on designing “Round Dance of Friendship” Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution “Kindergarten No.
didactic game “Who Lives Where” Construct of joint educational activities in PM 02 Organization
What a beginner needs to know First of all, what the practice of Mezen painting can bring is not
Card file of walks with goals for March for the preparatory group for the Federal State Educational Standard Below are several
Modern trends The material base of the music corner in kindergarten is replenished every year. For example, musical
Basic principles of spiritual and moral education of preschool children Spiritual and moral education of preschool children allows you to correctly form a worldview, civic position,
Cosmonautics Day on April 12 has been celebrated all over the world for many years. In that
Many parents often wonder at what age to send their child to kindergarten, what
Plasticine hare: step-by-step master class on sculpting a plasticine hare with children in stages
Music classes in preschool educational institutions 1. Content and structure of music classes. The main form of educational activity