Open lesson in the middle group “Journey to the wonderful world of theater”

Theater day in kindergarten. Middle group

Thematic day “WORLD THEATER DAY” for children 4-5 years old

Goal: Development of children's communication abilities through theatrical and play activities Objectives: To promote the development of the child's individual creative abilities and artistic inclinations; Arouse in children a sustainable interest in the theater; Cultivate friendly communication with each other; To form a sustainable interest in literature in children; Involve children in telling fairy tales Planning: 1. Conversation about the theater 2. Table theater “Mashenka and the Bear” 3. Physical exercise “We are in the theater of animals” 4. Game - concert “On the theater stage...” 5. Didactic game “Collect a fairy tale” 6 Showing the play by parents “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” 7. Drawing “My Favorite Fairy Tale” (joint creativity of parents with children) MORNING 1. CONVERSATION ABOUT THE THEATER Educator: There is a stage and backstage, And actors and actresses, There is a playbill and an intermission , Scenery, sold out. And, of course, the premiere! You probably guessed it... (theater)
- Today is World Theater Day.
- What is theater? (children's answers)
- What professions do people work in the theater?
(children's answers)
- Today you and I will be both actors and spectators.
I suggest you go to a fairy-tale place called “Theater”. — In order for you and me to go to the performance, we need to buy tickets. — Why do you need tickets at the theater? (children's answers) Children go to the ticket office and buy tickets.
— Before going to the auditorium, you need to remember the rules of behavior in the theater.
(children's answers)
- Listen, we are invited by a theater bell into the auditorium.
You need to have time to take your seats in the auditorium. — There are three bells in total in the theater before the start of the performance. The third bell indicates that the performance is beginning. After the third bell, the lights in the auditorium go out. It is indecent to enter the auditorium after the third bell. — Prepare your tickets and look carefully at what is indicated on the ticket? (children's answers) Children take seats in the auditorium.
The third bell rings. - Today we will see the premiere of the fairy tale “Mashenka and the Bear”, because today the actors are on stage for the first time.
- Did you like the fairy tale?
Did you like the acting? (children's answers) The bell rings.
“I suggest you rest a little.”
Now a short break has been announced, and it is called INTRACT. During intermission, all spectators usually go out into the theater foyer. At this time, you can go to the BUFFET, clean up in the toilet room, and also get acquainted with various photographs of theater artists that are hung on the walls of the foyer. - Today is an unusual day in the theater and therefore you and I can turn into fairy-tale animals... 3. PHYSICAL MOMENT “WILD ANIMALS” On a hot day, along a forest path, the animals walked to a watering hole. (Children walk in a circle, one after another)
A moose calf stomped behind the mother elk,
(They walk, stomping loudly)
A little fox crept behind the mother fox,
(They walk stealthily)
A hedgehog rolled behind the mother hedgehog,
(They move in a deep squat)
Behind the mother bear a bear cub was walking,
(They move in a deep squat)
The squirrel cubs were galloping after the mother squirrel,
(They were jumping on their toes, with their arms bent in front of the chest)
Behind the mother-hare were slanting hares,
(They were jumping, making “ears” from their palms)
The she-wolf led the wolf cubs.
(Walk on all fours)
All mothers and children want to get drunk.
(They walk on all fours) The bell rings.
Children take place in the auditorium. The third bell rings. 4. GAME - CONCERT “ON THE THEATER STAGE...”
Children optional: read poetry, sing songs, dance. Educator: - Our stay in the fairy-tale land called “Theater” has ended. — Did you like it at the theater? (children's answers)
- I suggest thanking all the actors for their wonderful performance with applause and giving flowers.
- What new did you learn? - What do you remember? - What new words did you meet, etc. 5. DIDACTICAL GAME “ASSEMBLE A FAIRY TALE” Children collect puzzles, call the name of the fairy tale from the assembled picture
Parents are actors, children are participants
(joint creativity of parents with kids)

Material used: • • zanyatiya-na-temu-den-teatra-1298084.html •

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MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Stepanova Irina Borisovna Teacher, Kindergarten No. 38, Kamensk-Uralsky, Sverdlovsk region

I. Relevance of the project: Due to the fact that theater activities in our kindergarten are part of the priority area, there was a need to coordinate the planning of several types of activities: joint activities, independent activities, games, club work, work with parents. These actions will ensure systematic work in this direction. In theatrical activities, the child liberates himself, conveys his creative ideas, and receives satisfaction from the activity. Theatrical activities help to reveal the child’s personality, his individuality, and creative potential. The child has the opportunity to express his feelings, experiences, emotions, and resolve his internal conflicts. Theater is one of the most democratic and accessible forms of art for children, associated with:

— art education and raising children; — formation of aesthetic taste; — moral education; - development of memory, imagination, initiative, speech; — development of communication skills; - creating a positive emotional mood, relieving tension, resolving conflict situations through theatrical play. Therefore, I believe that the implementation of the project makes it possible to make the life of our students interesting and meaningful, filled with vivid impressions, interesting activities, and the joy of creativity.

II. Project goal: To introduce children to theatrical art and theatrical activities. Contribute to the formation of a creative personality; develop speech and communication skills in children. To create conditions for the development of children's creative activity in theatrical activities, to provide conditions for interaction with other types of activities in the holistic pedagogical process. III. Project objectives: 1. Expand children's understanding of the theater, its types, attributes, costumes, and decorations. 2.Create conditions for organizing joint theatrical activities of children and adults, aimed at bringing children, parents and preschool teachers closer together. 3. To create an artistic and aesthetic, creatively developing subject environment in the preschool educational institution. 4. Teach children to establish and regulate contacts in joint and independent activities. 5. Develop emotionality and expressiveness of speech in preschoolers. 6. Instill in children primary skills in the field of theatrical art (use of facial expressions, gestures, voice). 7. Contribute to the formation of aesthetic taste. 8. Provide interconnection with other types of activities: visual, musical, fiction, design. 9. Involve adults and children in theatrical and performing activities. 10. Involve parents in the theatrical and cultural life of preschool educational institutions. IV. Principles: 1. The principle of organizing person-oriented interaction taking into account individual capabilities - accepting and supporting his individuality, interests and needs, developing creative abilities, caring for his emotional well-being. 2. The principle of integration - the content of theatrical games is interconnected with other sections of the program for raising and educating children in kindergarten. 3. The principle of coordination of the teacher’s activities - the activities of specialists are coordinated with the educational activities of the music director. 4. The principle of age targeting - the content of the activity is built in accordance with and taking into account the age of the children. 5. The principle of continuity of interaction with the child in the kindergarten and family settings - parents support forms of work with children and continue them in the family.

Project participants: Teachers – children – parents.

Project type: Creative.

Implementation period: from ... September to ... May.

V. Content of the educational process. The main idea is the idea of ​​developmental education. While building my educational work, I relied on the recommendations of the following authors: A.V. Shchetkin, T.N. Doronova, N.F. Gubanova.

Forms of work with children: - educational activities; — theater group “Laughing - Talking”; - performances, dramatization of fairy tales; — presentations of different types of theater; - Exhibitions.

Methods and techniques: - creative activity (play, song, dance, improvisation on children's musical instruments); - dramatization games; - conversations after watching performances; - diction exercises; - transformation games; - exercises for the development of facial expressions, children's plasticity, elements of the art of pantomime; — theatrical sketches; - rehearsals and performances of fairy tales and dramatizations.

Using a variety of means: theater corners in groups, various types of theaters, costumes, scenery, DVDs, cassettes, children's musical instruments, visual illustrations of fairy tales.

VI. Work with parents: The leading idea is the active involvement of parents in the creative process of developing children's theatrical activities. The goal is to interest parents in the prospects for the development of children’s theatrical activities, to involve them in the life of the kindergarten, and to make them allies in their work. Forms of interaction between working with parents: - oral survey “Do you play theater with your child” (at the beginning and end of the project); — individual conversations; — visual information: the “Theater for Everyone” folder with a description of the history of the theater and its types; memos “Organization of theatrical activities in the middle group”, “Conditions for the development of theatrical games and the introduction of children to theatrical activities.” - visiting the theater with the whole family; — photo exhibitions “Theater News”; — exhibition – presentation of different types of theater “Play with us”; - Team work; — open day, friendly meetings; — assistance in making costumes and scenery.

VII. The work of educators. The leading idea is the creation of a long-term planning system for the development of theatrical activities in kindergarten. The task is to develop a number of long-term plans interacting in sections: joint activities, games, club work, work with parents. Forms of work: - teacher councils, consultations; — creation of a card index of theatrical games; — assistance in organizing a subject-development environment; — work with educational visual aids; — holidays and entertainment; — exhibitions, photo albums.

VIII. Child 1. The project is based on the idea of ​​developing children’s interest in the need to engage in theatrical activities not only with teachers, but also independently in their free time. 2. Idea - do no harm

Expected results: For children: 1. Creation of favorable conditions for revealing the child’s personality, his individuality, creative potential through introducing children to theatrical art and theatrical activities. 2. Development of speech, facial expressions, gestures. 3. Development of initiative, activity, independence.

For educators: 1. Increased professionalism. 2. Introduction of new methods in working with children and parents. 3. Personal professional growth. 4. Self-realization.

For parents: 1. Increasing the level of personal consciousness. 2. Strengthening the relationship between children and parents. 3. Self-realization.

For the group: 1. Creation of a high-quality subject-development environment to expand children's understanding of the theater, its types, attributes, costumes, and scenery. 2. Creation of a long-term planning system for theatrical activities. 3. Creation of a card index of theatrical games.

Next >

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Objectives: Educational: - continue to comprehend the content of the characters’ character; - introduce children to the sequence of performing the application.

Summary of direct educational activities for children 4-5 years old. First you need to read the fairy tale “Teremok” and repeat the habits of the animals.



Municipal state preschool educational institution

Child Development Center – Kindergarten No. 9

Buturlinovsky municipal district of Voronezh region

Teacher of the highest category Moliboga Elena Vladimirovna

Summary of a lesson on theatrical and visual activities for children of the middle group based on the fairy tale “Teremok”

Goal: to promote the formation of children’s ability to reflect some game actions and imitate the actions of characters, convey simple emotional states of characters using facial expressions, gestures, and movements.

Communication – encourage children to actively participate in theatrical play; develop the ability to coordinate actions with other children - the heroes of the fairy tale; activate children's speech; improve dialogic speech, reinforce onomatopoeia with familiar animals.

Cognition – teach children the elements of theatrical performance; develop auditory attention, imagination, interest in performing arts.

Fiction – continue to introduce children to Russian folk tales.

Program content: increasing the general emotionality of children; revealing the creative abilities of shy, inactive children, increasing their self-esteem;

develop children's creative abilities through transformation into images of fairy-tale characters;

continue to introduce various ways of conveying images of fairy-tale characters;

to cultivate interest in literary works through their acting and theatricalization.

1. Introducing children to the theater: rules of behavior in the theater; with theatrical professions; with different types of theater (actors' theater, puppet theater, tabletop, finger theater, flat on a magnetic board, toy theater); theatrical costumes, makeup.

2. Learning simple sayings, poems, songs with children, aimed at developing the sound culture of speech and improving the articulatory apparatus. Guessing riddles about animals.

3. Development of imaginative thinking and sensory orientation (plastic sketches, pantomime; games developing facial expressions, plasticity).

Progress of the lesson:

Children are included in the group. Pictures depicting a fox, a hare and a rooster are hung on the flannelgraph.

- Hello guys. the theater again . Look at the board, who do you see?

Guys, are the fox and the hare wild animals or domestic ones? Is a cockerel an animal or a bird? That's right - it's poultry. Guys, despite the fact that these animals are so different, they still met in the same fairy tale. Now I’ll start telling you this fairy tale, and you try to guess what it’s called? That's right "Zayushkina's hut"

Guys, this week we are all invited to a performance based on this fairy tale. Remind me what the audience must have to get into the auditorium? (
tickets ) .
Of course tickets . But the trouble is, the box office has already closed and now you can’t get tickets . How to be? How else can we get tickets ? (
draw ) .
That's right, before we start drawing , let's play. Physical education minute:
Come the bear, come the wolf, come the hare, come the rooster!

- What a hospitable Fox!

Now let's go to the tables and take care of our tickets . (Children sit down)

Guys, what are we going to draw ? Of course, we will draw our fairy-tale heroes on them. Someone will draw a bunny, someone a fox, and someone a cockerel, and someone might want to draw them all together ? Let's get to work, and don't forget that our animals should be the same color as they actually are. (children draw)

Wow, well done guys, what beautiful and bright tickets we got . I think that there will be many guests in our theater . Well, I'm waiting for you at the performance!

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Drawing lesson “Ticket to the theater”

Olga Gurkina

Drawing lesson “Ticket to the theater”

Outline of a drawing lesson .

Topic: " Ticket to the theater "


B – cultivate accuracy during work.

Sl. R. : ticket , theater .

Ind. R. : with Kostya B. – teach how to hold a brush in your hand correctly when working.

Methods: visual, verbal, practical.

Materials: pictures depicting a fox, a hare and a rooster; flannelgraph, brushes, paints, strips of paper with the inscription ticket

for each child, stands for brushes, cups for water.

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