Cognitive lesson in the second junior group Topic: “Birds are our friends”

Musical entertainment “Birds are our friends!” (second youngest)

Mukhametzyanova G.R., Kuznetsova O.V., Sharipova L.Sh. Musical entertainment “Birds are our friends!” (second youngest) // Owl. 2021. N2 (16). URL: (access date: 12/29/2021).

Order No. 319411

Goal: expanding children's knowledge about birds.

Educational objectives: to develop skills of correct behavior with birds; promote awareness of one’s place in nature, understanding the connection between man and nature

Educational tasks: to cultivate a desire to preserve and protect nature, to cultivate love for “our smaller brothers,” to encourage children to take care and protect birds.

Developmental tasks: expand children's understanding of birds, their important role in nature and for humans.

Preliminary work: reading fiction; conversations with children, observations, excursions; learning skits, poems, proverbs, songs, dances.

Progress of entertainment

Children enter the hall to the song Birds are My Birds

Educator: Guys, today I invite you for a walk.

An audio recording of the voice of birds sounds

Look, the bird brought us a letter with a riddle.

ICT game solving riddles

Loose snow melts in the sun

The breeze plays in the branches

Louder bird voices

This means that... (Spring) has come to us

That's right guys, it's spring. Guys, by what signs do we know that spring has come? (Birds arrive, the snow melts, it becomes warmer). And what birds fly in (Starlings). That's right, with the onset of spring, nature comes to life and birdsong can be heard.

Now let’s play the game “Who Screams?”

Sedentary game Who is screaming?” » accompanied by the voices of birds

We circled, circled and we turned into a sparrow - “ chick-chirp

We circled, circled and we turned into a crow - “ kar-kar

We circled and circled and we turned into a dove - “ kur-kur ”.

A sparrow comes in and cries.

Educator: Oh, guys, who is this? Who is jumping along the path towards us?

Sparrow: Hello guys.

Educator: What happened little sparrow?

Sparrow: Oh, the boy Petya offended me. He threw stones at me.

Educator: This is such a disgrace. Guys, let us remember what rules each of us must follow? (Do not catch them, do not scare them, do not throw stones at them)

Sparrow: Well done guys!

Educator: We need to protect the birds, but not only protect them, but also help them. The kids helped the birds all winter.

Finger game " Helpers "

We hung feeders, (Hand movements imitating “hanging” a feeder)

Grain was poured into them. (“Sprinkle” the grain in pinches)

For hungry birds in winter, (Perform imitating movements)

It is very tasty (Tap each finger on the open palm of the other hand - “pecking at the crumbs”).

Sparrow: How much you know! Now let's play a game. But to do this you need to turn into birds

Sit in a circle

Wave your wings.

Get out of the circle, mischief maker,

Turn into a bird in an instant.

Dance-game Small Birds (with musical accompaniment)

Game exercise The birds have flown

Educator: While we were playing, did different birds fly into the group?

How many birds have arrived? (A lot of)

What birds have we seen in winter? (Dove, crow, sparrow, tit)

What time of year does the starling arrive? (Spring)

Sparrow: That's right, in the spring. I see you guys can do a lot of things, what great guys.

Educator: Sparrow, sit with us and watch our fairy tale.

Fairy tale Birds are our friends!” »

A long time ago, in a fairy-tale forest, there lived a sparrow. His name was Vertushok. Because he always spun even when he took off.

But then winter came, it became cold. Many birds flew to warmer climes. One day he himself, without expecting it, reached the city park. And then one day a dove named Zolotko flew up to him and asked:

- What are you eating?

- Rowan! Tick-tweet!

Then another dove flew in.

- Hooray! - he was delighted. - Rowan berries for lunch today!

And then a dove named Whitetail arrived.

- Rowan again? - he said. - I would like to try something else!

- And what do you like? - asked Vertushok.

- Millet, seeds and bread crumbs! There is nothing tastier! – answered Whitetail.

And suddenly the know-it-all pigeon flew by. And Whitetail asked:

— Are we flying far?

“No, to the next street,” answered Know-It-All.

- And what's in there? - asked Vertushok.

“A canteen for birds,” answered Know-It-All. Everyone was surprised and asked:

- Can you and I?

- Of course, you won’t regret it! – answered Know-It-All.

And suddenly they flew to a place unfamiliar to the sparrow. A large two-story house, and around it there are areas cleared of snow and verandas. But the most wonderful thing is that there are some wooden planks hanging on the verandas, and in them... cereals, seeds, bread crumbs!

Vertushok was so happy. First to one feeder, then to another, he pecked both seeds and cereals. It was filling and not cold at all!

- Who are these friends who made such wonderful feeders? - Pinwheel asked Know-It-All.

“The children did this to their parents.” They go to this kindergarten. It's called “Fairytale Country!” Pinwheel noticed the birdhouse and asked Know-It-All:

- What is this wonderful house, and who lives in it?

- This is a birdhouse. And starlings live in it. “They arrive with the onset of spring,” answered the Know-It-All. And at that moment a starling looked out of the birdhouse. The birds met a starling named Sunny. And every day they flew to these feeders and visited the starling.

A lot of time passed, but the bird canteen did not stop receiving guests. That’s the end of the fairy tale, and well done to those who listened!

Educator: Guys, which of you was the most attentive and remembered who this fairy tale is about? (About birds). Who are the heroes of our fairy tale? (Sparrow, pigeons, starling). Who did you like best? What actions did you like? What do you remember? Which bird would you like to be your friend? Have you seen similar birds on the site? Why do you think the birds praised the children from the kindergarten? (Because they fed) So our parents often help us with this. They play our fairy tale. We also made a birdhouse

Parent: We really love and care about nature.

Presentation Our birds are friends!” »

I suggest not stopping and continuing our event by installing a birdhouse. We invite everyone to the starlings' housewarming party.

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