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Techniques for the practical use of ICT in preschool education There are several techniques for the practical use of ICT in
Tasks of musical development in the first junior group Musical-rhythmic movements Development of emotional responsiveness to music.
Playing activities in preschool age Playing activities in preschool age Playing activities in preschool children
Taking care of health in kindergarten Preschool educational institutions provide a whole range of measures to
Summary of the book The content of this methodology meets all the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and includes
Beautiful pictures on various topics for decorating school stands will help creative students decorate the most
The benefits of an unconventional drawing method Despite the fact that the presented drawing method is classified as
3.2. Methods and techniques for forming elementary mathematical representations 3.2. Methods and techniques for forming elementary
Card index of experiments with water Material: two identical measuring containers. Children pour an equal amount of water
Ecological-subcultural practices in environmental education of preschool children. Ecological and subcultural practices in environmental education of children