PC 3.5. Determine goals and objectives, plan work with parents. Material on the topic

Tasks of family education

  • The most acceptable conditions for the development of the baby are created. Parents are required to ensure not only well-being in material terms, but also to pay attention to the microclimate at home. High income is worthless if parents teach their children to overstep the moral values ​​of society. A striking example is the families of some “new Russians” in the 90s of the last century. Their children are raised in an atmosphere of permissiveness and the belief that everything can be bought with money.
  • Social and psychological protection. The principle “one for all and all for one” works here. Parents should not so much stand up for their child in any necessary or unnecessary case, but rather provide confidence that such protection will definitely be there if necessary. This inspires and gives special confidence; it is felt in every word, step and action.
  • Transferring the experience of creating and maintaining a family. Parents pay great attention to their child’s education, teaching him to find his place in life and get a prestigious job with a high salary. But in the process of such a pursuit of material well-being, they often forget about the need to teach relationships with the opposite sex. Children often do not know how to properly build a family , but the family is placed on a par with work, if not even higher than it.
  • Learning useful skills aimed at helping loved ones and self-care. Girls learn from their mother and grandmother how to cook deliciously, boys learn from their father the ability to work with tools and carry out minor repairs around the house. This is rarely taught in school lessons; friends and acquaintances are also practically useless. Sometimes children are taught the family trade to provide them with a stable income for life.
  • Developing a sense of dignity and self. Children are taught basic moral principles accepted in society. The child learns to perceive society and himself within this society. The child needs to be told from an early age how to behave with offenders, to defend his honor and the honor of his family.

Raising a child in a foster family

One of the main tasks of family education is the formation of personality traits that will allow one to overcome the obstacles encountered along the path of life with dignity. It is parents who are the first educators; the formation of a child as a person largely depends on them. If we recall the statement of Jean-Jacques Rousseau that each subsequent teacher has less influence on the child than the previous one, then parental education is fundamental.

Raising children with disabilities

Families with disabled children are considered special. Raising the younger generation in them requires special attention; it is radically different from the approach to the educational process applicable to healthy children.

The role of the family in raising children

Modern society is completely unprepared for normal interaction with children who have developmental problems. Such children are considered inferior, and their social problems are not solved. They are deliberately or indirectly isolated from society. Isolation becomes the cause of awareness of one's inferiority, this leads to problems in the psycho-emotional state.

To raise children with disabilities, you will need the following:

  1. Create an atmosphere of calm, mutual assistance and understanding.
  2. Assist in development, not limit.
  3. You cannot accept the child as he is; you cannot place excessive demands on him. But parents must be persistent in the educational process, carefully observe the regularity of classes, and be sure to involve specialists in the educational process.

Raising children with speech disorders should take place under a special regime, which is characterized by a favorable attitude, a normal environment, psychotherapy and speech therapy classes. The correct speech of the people around him is of great importance . It is important that the tone is calm; you should not rush your child to answer. It is very difficult to consolidate the results of developing correct speech skills, so it is better to seek help from specialists.

Raising children with hearing impairments should be based on correct teaching methods. Parents faced with such a disaster need to first answer the following questions:

  • How to communicate with a child?
  • How do you see your child in the future?
  • What school is your child planning to attend?
  • What kind of employment do you see for your child in adulthood?
  • What friends do you plan to see next to your child?
  • The most important question: how much material, moral, physical and mental energy can you spend on teaching your child with hearing impairment?

Principles of family education

Family education has not only goals, but also principles. Their most important task is to educate schoolchildren and preschoolers into responsible citizens of their country, as well as support for their parents in old age. These principles are manifested not through loud speeches and moralizing, but at the level of humanity and mercy towards a growing person.

The following principles are also important:

  • Participation of children in the life of the family on an equal basis. A child must understand from childhood that something needs to be invested in family comfort and well-being. If a child’s work contributes to the overall well-being of the family, then he feels significant. In the future, such children will try to work for the benefit of their family and company.
  • Openness and trust in relationships between generations. A child should not hide from his family; for him, his loved ones simply must become a safe haven in which he can find protection from the sometimes unfair world around him. This is better than shutting yourself down or seeking advice from random people.
  • Optimistic relationships in the family - it is important for the child that dad loves mom, no one offends anyone, a trusting atmosphere of love reigns.
  • Consistency in requirements - no need to set too high standards for your children . The mistake of some parents is to demand the almost impossible in terms of study, career, and personal life. A boy is predicted to become a deputy, a girl is predicted to marry a deputy, he must enroll in a prestigious educational institution, and work in a successful company with a good salary. All this is very good, but it is difficult to implement in practice. Therefore, inferiority complexes appear. We need to set children a simple but challenging task - to be a good person.
  • Provide all possible assistance to the child, communicate with him and participate in his upbringing. First it’s repairing a broken car, then enrolling in a sports section, then help in choosing an educational institution. There is no need to shy away from raising your child, making excuses that your parents did little for you. Be better than your parents by leading by example.


The principles of family education are not limited to the above theses; you need to teach your children the following: do not read other people’s letters, physical punishment should be prohibited, you cannot indulge, etc.

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