Individual work plan for self-education Topic: Didactic games as a means of developing mathematical concepts in preschool children

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

PLAN for self-education. TOPIC: “The use of educational games in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts with techniques combining practical and play activities in preschoolers”

for the 2021 – 2025 academic year.

Goal: to contribute to the creation of pedagogical conditions for the development of femp to develop children’s cognitive activity and curiosity through entertaining mathematical material.


  1. Develop interest in mathematics in preschool age.
  2. Promote the development of mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, logical thinking and creative thinking (the ability to think flexibly, originally);
  3. Promote the desire to achieve a positive result, perseverance and resourcefulness;
  4. Formation of basic mathematical concepts and speech skills

Working with parents:

  • Recommendations for parents “Mathematics is interesting .
  • Consultation for parents “How to organize children’s games at home using entertaining mathematical material .
  • Conducting a parent meeting on the topic “Mathematics visiting the family .
  • Design of a mobile folder “Entertaining mathematics at home in everyday life .
  • Individual conversations and consultations.
  • Exhibition design for parents: “Mathematical games and exercises for preschoolers”

Literature on the topic:

  1. Program “From birth to school” - Ed. N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.
  2. “Mathematics and Children” - A. Beloshinskaya - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.
  3. “Orientation in space” - T. Museinova – candidate of pedagogical sciences.
  4. “Plot-based and didactic games with mathematical content” - A. A. Smolentseva.
  5. “Sensory education” - E. Pilyugina.
  6. “Playing Numbers” - a series of manuals
  7. “We develop perception and imagination” - A. Levina.
  8. L. G. Peterson, N. P. Kholina “Player” . Practical mathematics course for preschoolers. Guidelines. - M.: Balass, 2003 - 256 p.
  9. Ed. B. B. Finkelntein. . " Set of games with Dienesh blocks. St. Petersburg, LLC "Corvette" , 2001

Theme implementation plan

“The use of educational games in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts with techniques combining practical and playful activities in preschool children”

For the 2022-2021 academic year

Work with children Working with parents Interaction with colleagues
date Form, theme Form, theme Form, theme
1 September Selection and study of literature, didactic games and exercises, plot pictures Studying the features of famp Cons. for parents “Didakt. games for developing femp" Workshop “The Games We Play.”
2 October Continue to draw up a card index of didactic games, game corner, visual and didactic material on the development of femp Questioning parents: “Educational games in a family setting” Consultation: “Game therapy”Use of games for older children to improve children’s femdom groups in different types of activities
3 november Game "Pick up the key to the lock"

Goal: Goal: To teach how to correlate the form and the liner; develop hand-eye coordination and motor skills; consolidate knowledge of primary colors; develop attention, speech

Conversation with parents:

“What methods do you use to correct errors?”

Prepare and conduct an open event for analysis by colleagues (mutual visit)
4 December Didactic games using reference diagrams to compose descriptive stories Folder - screen “Why does a child need a game” Seminar-workshop “Finger play training”
5 January The use of folk art in femp artistic and speech activities Replenishment of card files of riddles; finger gymnastics; poems Consultation for parents “Creating a subject-specific development environment at home” Consultation for educators

“The main functions of the didactic game using femp”

6 February Name the figures that the artist used to depict the picture?” Purpose: to consolidate the names of geometric figures, develop visual perception and memory. Consultation:

“By playing, we develop, learn to communicate.”

The influence of didactic games on the development of femp in preschool children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard
7 March Preparation for an open viewing of the educational activity “Journey to School” Design of the transfer folder. Topic: “Development of the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children of senior preschool age” Master class for teachers on the topic “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts, modern approaches”
8 April Game "Games - agreements"

Goal: teach by description, name a geometric figure.

Consultation for parents

"Development of preschool children's femp in games"

Consultation on the topic: “Modern approaches to solving problems in femp”
9 May Game "Say the opposite"

Goal: compare objects and phenomena according to temporal and spatial relationships (by size, color and quality, selecting antonyms.

Consultations for parents on the topic: “The role of the family in the development of speech and speech of the child”

Exhibitions of children's drawings for parents.

Consultation for educators
Writing a progress report

during the school year, performing with him in front of teachers.

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For educators and parents, a virtual pedagogical repository of knowledge...

The Internet portal “” will delight you with a very extensive selection of aids for preschool children’s introduction to counting. I will definitely find books from the “Mathematics in Motion” series useful. An interesting idea is presented here - to teach the basics of exact science in parallel with health-improving and developmental activities. That is: we run, jump and learn to count!

“OZON.RU” offers an equally large range of manuals and specialized literature. Excellent manuals for educators - a math plan for the school year, lesson notes, workbooks - everything you need for fruitful work with preschoolers.

“UchMag” suggested to me an excellent book, “Mathematics in Kindergarten,” the main idea of ​​which is that it is important not only to teach a child to count quickly and correctly, but also to maintain a strong interest in science. In preschool age, we form the basis for further successful education at school.

Learning math by playing

The main emphasis is on the game. I won’t tire of repeating my thought, of course, that only by playing can a child be able to naturally learn anything.

For example, a teacher’s plan for mathematics according to the Federal State Educational Standard should even be called something beautiful: “A magical journey into the land of numbers.” How do you like it? It is already clear that there will be nothing scientific or standard.

The teacher comes up with a whole performance for each lesson, prepares interesting and colorful visual materials, provides physical education lessons, and does not forget to sing and listen to music with the children. And at the same time, in the end, children learn to count and compare quantities. Along the way, they study the basics of geometry - shapes, segments, length, height. Children work in class no less than in school, believe me, they just don’t notice it, classes are not a burden to them.

Self-education of a teacher in mathematics is a creative process, studying the experience of other teachers, developing one’s own methods and forms, creating a didactic base and a favorable environment for learning and the comprehensive development of students.

The teacher makes a report on the topic in the form of presentations for colleagues and parents. You can arrange a theatrical performance for children, for example, come up with a fairy tale about numbers or weave elements of mathematics into a familiar plot (the same Kolobok).

I hope it wasn’t too chaotic for me to speak about the pressing problem? I look forward to your assessment and comments!

And if you liked my opus, show it to your friends on social networks, and also invite “fresh” subscribers!

Best regards, Tatyana Sukhikh! Till tomorrow!

Let's not let our children grow up too early!

In general, today there is an acute problem of excessively high demands on children, even in kindergartens. We, educators, also sin by using methods and forms that do not correspond to the level of our students, their capabilities, characteristics of the brain, memory, and perception.

Many preschool teachers make a report on the work done to their parents in the form of a kind of examination of the children in arithmetic... Parents, of course, are happy - after all, the children show brilliant knowledge, but do not think about why this is necessary in kindergarten.

The pace of development of preschool children is unduly accelerated without taking into account natural processes. If only they could read well, solve problems, show genius, supernatural talent... The topic of discrepancy between the requirements of preschool educational institutions and sensitive periods of children's development is not new, but does not lose relevance. Both belated and premature training in relation to the age characteristics of children are equally ineffective and even harmful.

In my opinion, a teacher’s plan for self-education in mathematics should include a mandatory element - the search for non-traumatic forms of teaching children the initial concepts of exact science.

Who is to blame and what to do?

It is clear that teachers are not to blame, so to speak, that strict limits are set before them. But under the guise of non-standard teaching, why not introduce at least a game form of a math lesson for first-graders? And not from time to time, but constantly, until the children get used to the carefree stay in the kindergarten.

What does self-education involve as a mathematics teacher? In improving one’s own professional level, searching for new effective methods of teaching the subject, ways to develop students’ creativity and curiosity. That is, the tasks are the same as those of a kindergarten teacher. This means that it is logical that the forms and methods of teaching should flow smoothly from preschool to school level without jumps, without stress for children.

Self-education of a kindergarten teacher in mathematics involves, first of all, the development of game forms, and only then the implementation of educational tasks. At school it can be the other way around - learning comes first, but playing is necessarily second or in parallel.

While I was writing the material, I nevertheless found a recommended topic on the Federal State Educational Standard for a primary school teacher, which calmed me down a little, although modestly at the end of the list it stands: “The interaction of play and educational-cognitive activities in primary school.” So, not everything is as bad as it seems to me...

The contradiction between kindergarten and secondary school...

Have you ever wondered why it is so difficult for most first-graders to get used to school from the first days? I'm interested in your opinion! Did you yourself miss kindergarten when you were in school? My son gets nostalgic, sometimes. He doesn’t have enough breaks to rest, he’s stressed by numerous homework assignments, he’s worried about fear of strict teachers, etc. “Eh, why didn’t I like to sleep in kindergarten?” - sometimes he sighs...

I am sure that it is not only sudden changes in the daily routine, lack of daytime sleep, and the presence of “homework” that make the life of a first-grader so difficult.

It seems to me that the main thing that is taken away from a child is play. So I came across a plan for self-education by a 1st grade math teacher. And what do I see there? Innovations in pedagogy, a scientifically integrated approach, new educational standards, generating ideas... My God, these are first graders! They still have to play, they haven’t stopped being children!

Why do we pay great attention in kindergarten, as you may have noticed from my articles, to game moments, learning through games, role-playing games, but at school we completely deprive little schoolchildren of the opportunity to learn in the way they are accustomed to? As soon as the child crossed the threshold of the school, he immediately became serious and assiduous, right?

So the standard report on self-education of a mathematics teacher contains mainly theses about the implementation of educational tasks, but as for creative development, creative thinking, communication, interaction with the teacher, non-standard teaching methods, including in the form of a game - there is not a word.

Maybe I'm wrong? Dear teachers, correct me if I'm wrong!

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