According to most child psychologists, it is in preschool age that the foundation of moral education is laid. On
MBDOU "DS No. 353g. Chelyabinsk" Modern understanding of the implementation of continuity between preschool and primary levels
What is it for? Raising a patriot cannot be successful without appealing to culture
Representatives of the bird world are found in nature in amazing diversity, they symbolize the sky, freedom, life
Do-it-yourself didactic games for labor education Anna Ilyina Didactic games for labor education
Structure of the conversation The stages of the conversation are not strictly limited; each of them can gradually turn into
Methodological techniques with children aged 4-5 years At the age of 4-5, the child’s body begins to develop
Tales about sounds for children Educational fairy tales for children In the Land of Sounds Lived in
Lapbook is an interactive folder for children on a given topic. In this section
Development of artistic and creative abilities of preschool children. Berezenko Anastasia Aleksandrovna Development of artistic and creative abilities of preschool children