Presentation for preschoolers "Our Motherland - Russia" presentation for the lesson (preparatory group) on the topic

Presentation for preschoolers of the senior and preparatory groups “Russia is my homeland.”

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

Slide no. 1

Russia - My Motherland Teacher of the MDOU Polovinsky kindergarten “Berezka” Ivanova Lyubov Viktorovna

Slide No. 2 Slide description:

Homeland is a synonym for the word Fatherland, the place where a person was born, as well as the country in which he was born and to the fate of which he feels his spiritual involvement and the place where the ancestors, the roots of a person, came from. Every person living on our planet feels a sense of pride in their homeland, their people and country, their land and its history. And its symbols represent the native land.

Slide No. 3 Slide description:

The concept of coat of arms comes from the German word “inheritance or inheritance” and is a sign of distinction, the most important emblem of a state, city, region, as well as individuals and families. The State Emblem of the Russian Federation was adopted in December 2000.

Slide No. 4 Slide description:

The flag is one of the most important symbols of our Motherland. The flag flies proudly day and night over the Grand Kremlin Palace. The Law on the State Flag was adopted in December 2000. It has become a good tradition to solemnly celebrate August 21 as the Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation.

Slide No. 5 Slide description:

A hymn is a solemn song performed on special, most important occasions. Each state has its own anthem. The anthem is a song dedicated to its homeland, it is a symbol of the state, the same as the coat of arms and flag. The anthem glorifies the power and greatness of our country.

Slide No. 6 Slide description:

Our country has a long history. Russia was called by different names: Kievan Rus, Muscovy, Russian Empire, Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, Soviet Union. But at all times, no matter what our Motherland was called, it could be proud of its glorious sons - warriors, statesmen, workers, peasants, writers, artists, musicians.

Slide No. 7 Slide description:

Russia is a multinational country, therefore it is divided into federal republics, autonomous territories and districts. Almost two hundred different peoples, large and small, live in them. They are all called Russians.

They should all live together because they have one country. Unfortunately, it often happens differently. But I hope that by the time I grow up, the quarrels between peoples in my country will stop.

Slide no. 8

More details

Electronic manual for children of senior preschool age “The country in which we live”

The presentation is based on the summary “The country in which we live. Nature of Russia” (author Aleshina N.V.). Using a presentation, we introduce preschoolers to the physical map of Russia and the meaning of the colors on the map. We also introduce preschoolers to some famous cities of Russia, large rivers, seas and oceans washing the shores of the country. We consolidate children’s knowledge about forests, the flora and fauna of the forest. We introduce mountain ranges and introduce the new concept of “mineral resources” into children’s speech. We conclude the presentation with an excerpt from Lebedev-Kumach’s poem “My native country is wide. ". Throughout the entire presentation, you can use the musical accompaniment “Song about Russia” (“My Russia has long eyelashes,” backing track).

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