LAPBOOK "Trees". Educational and methodological manual (senior, preparatory group) on the topic LAPBOOK "TREES" In a developing thematic folder
“Games with rules - types, features of use in a group” Traditionally, a game with rules is
Didactic games Didactic games or in other words, developmental, educational and instructive games. Such
Migratory and wintering birds There are a large number of birds in summer. There is plenty of food for them everywhere -
Preparatory stage Even in the younger group, the teacher involved the kids in preparing for the classes. Then
Preparation of materials Before starting work, you need to assemble a “utility box”, it will include all the necessary
When is Christmas? From January 6 to 7, turmoil begins, especially in villages. IN
Contents Course of the lesson. 1.Org. moment: Children stand in a semicircle. The teacher offers to guess the riddle: Teacher: He
Summary of a comprehensive lesson in the second junior group “Let's Help Kolobok” Goal: To develop mental operations, attention,
First steps into mathematics. notes notes in the preparatory group - a child in kindergarten