Progress of the exercise: The teacher shows the frame - insert and explains that “residents” live in the windows
2.1. Characteristics of observation as a method of psychological research 2.2. Organization of psychological observation 2.3. Surveillance program
Home / Video / Children / A day in the life in kindergarten Taking off in the morning
Summary of a swimming lesson for preschool age Summary of a lesson on teaching swimming with a group
A fairy tale about healthy eating. Marina Soboleva A fairy tale about healthy eating. A fairy tale about healthy eating
Project for older preschoolers “Numbers in Fairy Tales” “her coffin to six pillars on chains
Didactic game "One-many" Didactic game "One-many" for preschoolers 6-7 years old We play - we develop speech. It is known
Forms of working with books in kindergarten Forms of working with books in kindergarten
Summary of a lesson in the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution. Birds of our city Lesson notes for preschoolers. Subject: