Fire safety rules for children Every year, people die and suffer serious injuries in fires and fires.
NNOD in mathematics in the middle group: Introducing the number 2. Yesterday, today, tomorrow. Closer,
“Protection and promotion of children’s health” Author: Maria Anatolyevna Pastorok Protection and promotion of children’s health
Presentation of the educational field “Cognitive Development” Elena Bogdanova Presentation of the educational field “Cognitive Development” Slide 1
Child-parent conferences as one of the forms of organizing interaction between preschool educational institutions and families. From work experience:
Home EDUCATION... Preschool... Recommendations for childbirth... Recommendations for parents on organizing play activities for a preschooler
Alphabetical physical minutes material on the topic PHYSICAL MINUTES A A is the beginning of the alphabet, That’s what she’s famous for. And find out
Etiquette lesson in kindergarten in the 2nd junior group Summary of an etiquette lesson
Article “Labor education of young children” In early age groups, children’s work is organized in