Card file of games for speech development in the preparatory group
Joint word games for adults and children in the preparatory group Word games for seniors
How to make a lapbook on the theme “Professions” for preschoolers
All kinds of professions are important for people: teacher, accountant, hairdresser, cook, builder, fireman, driver, engineer, salesman
Children sit in a semicircle, teacher and girl in the center
50 questions for a three-year-old: what you can talk about with a small child
Remember the basic principles of interaction with children, which apply at any age stage and
Educational project “Speech therapy school for parents”
Educational project “Speech therapy school for parents” Author: Inna Vladimirovna Antikyan, speech therapist teacher of the highest qualification category,
games for children 6 7 years old
Card index of educational games card index (senior group) on the topic
All children in the world are united by a love of games. Play is a natural need for a child,
Conversation “Polite words” lesson plan (senior group) on the topic
Cultivating politeness: something about magic words Having the skills of polite communication, it is easy to resolve a controversial issue,
Outline plan “Journey to the land of mathematics” (for children 6-7 years old)
A child of any age learns about the world around him, he always strives to study what -
Approximate planning of educational work for a week in the senior group on the topic “Victory Day”
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF Methodological development of the “Victory Day” project for children of senior preschool age. Project type:
Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka - picture 1
Online reading of the book Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka Russian folk tale. processed by A. N. Tolstoy
Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman, they had a daughter Alyonushka
Logical tasks and problems for children 5-6 years old in mathematics (print for free)
Logic puzzles for preschoolers 5-6 years old (for attentiveness, memory development) 10 interesting, exciting problems
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