“Some principles and aspects of planning educational activities with children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education”
Requirements for planning educational work Social portrait of a student in the NPE system Read more: Basic forms
Master class Topic: “Lapbook technology and its practical application in teaching activities.”
Lapbook on the topic: “Pets and birds” for kindergarten with your own hands Lapbook on
Summary of a lesson on fairy tale therapy in the younger group
Summary of a lesson on fairy tale therapy in the younger group Methodological development on fairy tale therapy with children 2-3
Walks in the preparatory group, a file cabinet with goals according to the Federal State Educational Standard
Card index of walks in the preparatory group according to the seasons Card index of walks associated with the change of seasons
guardianship and trusteeship
Children's rights in kindergarten. What does a parent need to know?
Home / Family law / Children’s rights Back Published: 08/14/2018 Reading time: 6
What contributes to the development of dialogic speech in a preschooler
Concept and features of dialogical speech The main communicative forms at any age are monologue and
Extracurricular activity on the topic “Healthy lifestyle”
11566 8 minutes Published: October 26, 2016 (0) A healthy lifestyle has already become a full-fledged family culture.
Theatrical activity is the most important factor in the development of a preschooler’s personality
Theatrical activities are the most important factor in the development of a preschooler’s personality. One of the most popular and
Work program of the circle on the application “Skillful Hands” work program (middle group) on the topic
Work program of the circle on the application “Skillful Hands” work program (middle group) on the topic Municipal
Master class “Development of children’s speech through fiction”
MAGAZINE Doshkolnik.RF “Development of coherent speech in preschoolers through introduction to fiction and theatrical
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