Summary of educational activities for modeling in an early age group for children 2-3 years old on the topic “Candy on a plate”

Lesson 2. Eat my apple (Plasticine molding)

Program content. Teach children to roll small balls of plasticine and flatten them with your finger on top; teach people to listen to folk tales.

Demonstration material. Red and yellow apples, two plates.

Handout. Red and yellow plasticine, an apple tree cut out of green cardboard, a plastic bottle cap, a modeling board.

Progress of the lesson

Read the Russian folk tale “Geese and Swans” to the kids in advance.

At the beginning of the lesson, ask the children to arrange the apples: red apples in one plate, and yellow apples in another. Then, with the guys, remember the content of the fairy tale “Geese and Swans” and ask: “What did the apple tree treat your brother and sister with? (Apples.) Let’s make apples like this too.”

Place an apple tree cut out of cardboard in front of each child.

Invite the kids to roll small balls between their palms and flatten them on top with their finger, attaching them to a cardboard apple tree.

Then children can “harvest” by peeling balls from the apple tree and putting them in a “plate” (a plastic bottle cap).

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